
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A QOV Show - Inspiration!!!

I am getting a late start today.... but I have a GREAT excuse - Tuesday was like the quiltiest day ever!!! I met up with some Quilty Girls and we did show and tell, and ate and drank and goofed off in the morning/afternoon, on the way home had to stop at See's Candies and get a chocolate - YUM!!

Came home, took a nap, took the boys to Horse Judging and headed to my Quilt Guild meeting!! And of course, got home kind of late, so did all the boys, so we were feeding animals in the dark. It was totally worth it!!!

On to the show - I have some Great Quilts of Valor to show today.

This one was made by a group and handed to Kathy F of Dancing Sky Quilting in Denver.... and she beautiful quilted it and now it is here ready to be bound!!

I just had to show you the back - cuz it made me laugh!!! So I found a really bright hot pink with stars fabric to use as the binding - it will be cool!!

Kathy also quilted this one - it is made by Emily M of Alabama
 The quilting is so soft and feminine - I just love it!!

This one was made by Agnes K of NJ - she is such a prolific topper - I am excited to be getting all of her tops into quilts and out to our soldiers. - also quilted by Kathy!!

This yummy scrap quilt was both quilted pieced, bound and shipped by Bonnie S from VA - 
Yummy Yummy Yummy!!! Thanks Bonnie  - you can see all the crazy things she is doing on her Blog

This next one was made by Adele D - in LA - this is her 2nd QOV of the 12 for 12 challenge.... way to go Adele!!! ( Plus a box just arrived from her......Can't wait to open it!)

So - Patti over Here   - is the ultimate scrappy quilter - or liberated quilter... I have long been admiring her quilts, and made a comment that I couldn't believe the quilt tops she made with scraps.....  she said send me an envelope of your scraps - I'll made a top for you.

Oh.My.GOSH!!!  I sent her a small little box of scraps - seriously - enough for a few blocks!! AND look what came back.

This top - its flannel - YUMMY!!! 

And this top.... you have NO IDEA how long I studied that one!!!  

And to top it off - she added the solid blue - but made a back out of the rest of the scraps!! 
I wish I could *See* things like that - i just get frustrated - Patti!!! You are amazing!!
Hope you enjoyed today's Quilts of Valor - I am off to trim a bunch of them that my dear sweet longarm friends from yesterday brought to me - so I can take pictures to inspire you more!!!


  1. Judy V. fom Thornton, CO11:25 AM

    Wonderful show! Every quilt just grabs my heart...and I LOVE the backing of the last quilt. Mmmm, some ideas are abrewing...thanks for sharing!

  2. Amazing... each and every quilt is just amazing!!!

  3. Finally have a few minutes to sit down and look at all my favorite blogs. Yours is one. We are finally unpacking and moving into our place in South Dakota, so I am changing my blog from my Vermont adventures to life on the prairie. Hopefully I will have some time to sew by the end of the month. For now I will live vicariously through what you are sharing. These quilts are inspiring me.

  4. Pat r7:37 PM

    It never ceases to amaze me what these wonderful quilters from all over send you...just wonderful and SO inspiring!!.

  5. So glad to see the quilt tops again--I didn't get a picture before I sent them on! Have fun quilting them!


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