
Thursday, May 24, 2012

A sea of Red White and Blue

My sewing table is covered in Red White and Blue. I got laughed at last night, as I think there are 32 batrillion projects going on at the same time!!!  
On the Ironing board in the far right corner I have string blocks waiting to be trimmed, in the center I have Double Slice Blocks needing one more slice, in front of that I have a pile of scraps to feed into my string bins.

On the left, hanging over the table are rail fence strip sets The pattern for them. They need to be ironed and the sub cut, and on the far far left - where you can barely see, is the fabric for my Sweet Treats blocks, and sashings!

And here is my cutting table - strings are all over it for my string blocks. The front right has those blocks - some just need a teeny little corner sewn, some still need lots of strips.... in the back are my double slice blocks that are ready to go into rows, and the blue and yellow up in the back left corner - small friend ship stars - I need them for my Row Robin quilt borders - but of course don't need them for 2 months - so.... I will procrastinate - I know this about me ;-)

Oh - and you can't forget the floor -  more blocks ready to be ironed - and then I'll see if they need any more strings, or are ready to be trimmed....

And the left - those are my other string bins - someday I would love them to be empty so I could fill them with more ;-)

And then!!!
Every once in a while the foundation gets a QOV request that can't be filled by someone local. This gentleman was one of those, so I mailed him a Quilt from Colorado.

He posted a thank you on Face Book - I love it - so here he is with his Quilt!!
Thanks to Stephanie P - he is covered!!


  1. How wonderful that you're getting THANK YOUs on FB so the entire world can see the wonderful work you all do!

    Great quilt... the recipient looks very pleased!

  2. Super quilt...and a great smile too! Maybe this FB thanks will stir up some support from his friends for the program as well. Thanks for all you do.

    I have finished one QOV top while I was here on vacation. Also got some great backing fabrics too. You are always in the back of my mind. :-)


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