
Monday, January 02, 2012

Design Wall 1/2/12

Oh yay!! I have a design and a finish for this week!!!  It helps when all the boys are home, and so is dad - to do all the chores!  i think I need Christmas Vacation alot more than once a year!!

So my first design wall is a top that I finally finished!! I put it in  a tub back in July and I truly can NOT remember why. I wonder if I thought it was going to get hard? Or I was gonna have to think?  Anyways its done! It's out of my pile project, AND its my first of 12 QOV tops for the year!!!

When I pulled it out of its pile, I had three rows put together. I think I just got lazy... or one of the kids had a swim meet, or.... seriously - it was probably the lazy... *sigh*

AND!!! I got the binding put on this quilt!! It was from Judy's Color Challenge 2011 = the purple one... so its now out of my piles!! 

And last but not least - I finished these blocks from The Orca Bay mystery. I am joining the turtle group on this one... slow and steady...... 

To see other Design Walls go to:

And to see other Orca Bay Progress go to


  1. Good start for the new year!

  2. Nothing wrong with slow and steady!
    I wouldn't worry too much about slow progress from you. You are quite productive. Happy New Year!

  3. I'm at about the same spot as you on Orca Bay.

  4. Wow, you've gotten a lot done! Congratulations on the finish and I love that QOV - glad it found its way out of the tub. I'm with you in the turtle group - it's fun to see all the mysteries shape up!

  5. you are way ahead of me on Orca Bay!

  6. Dang, I don't have a quilt hiding in a tub for the challange. However, I have lots of RWB fabric calling my name. Lovin' that purple quilt. Now, those strips are giving me an idea....

  7. I like Christmas vacation also for the company but seems like I never get anything done when both of them are home. guess I spend to much time visiting.

  8. WOW! I'm impressed - a finish and another beautiful QOV top completed and it's only the 3rd! Well done! I have yet to sew my first stitch of 2012, but I'm making my list. Our son just left for Camp Pendleton yesterday and today we're putting away the decorations. Maybe tomorrow.

  9. Like the qov you showed. Looking at it I realize it is made of two simple blocks with reversed colors. How cool is that as it really looks nice that way.

    And, yeah for the other finishes! Nice job.


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