
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The QOV Pantry is empty!

This is where I keep all the prepped and ready to go Quilts of Valor.

They are empty....;-(

I worked on a top secret mission today on post, and won't be able to completely tell you about it until next week - but listen up folks!


So - I might have told you that I got a new Chaplain?  If not, I am sorry - but I have a new Chaplain in our unit. This unit is the Warriors in Transition Battalion.  oh - at Fort Carson Mountain Post in Colorado

It can house up to 775 wounded soldiers at one time. This unit seems to be in transition all  of the time. I mean it, all the time! 

but this Chaplain -

He is genius!!  Not only that, he totally, totally, gets the importance and the mission of our quilts. This is not to say the other weren't on our side, they were. This is just to say , this Chaplain has the *fire*. He is fresh from Afghanistan too, so he has a heart for these guys ( and gals)

So, in the time that he has been here, we have checked in with many of the soldiers, and got them covered with a Quilt of Valor, a hug, and a Thank you, and... as of today.... as of this very moment...


I can not believe this - we ( this specifically means YOU!) have done such a HUGE job in getting all these wounded covered, but there are more of them! Chaplain says this unit has had the biggest transitioning amount of soldiers that they have seen, in the past 3 months. Most of the soldiers stay there for a minimum of 6 months, but all of a sudden a lot of them have been tranisitioning out - either back to combat or to post jobs, or civilian jobs. And even more are coming in!

When I got home today - Look what was waiting for me on my doorstep.  Seriously, I cried! There are 12 Quilts of Valor in those boxes and I am so tickled. They will be on their way immediately ... well after I take pictures, so I can brag on them...

Even so, that does not fill my Wait list...

Why am I telling you all this - to beg... seriously... to beg!

I have 6 quilts waiting to be bound, those will be done quickly... they are needed.

I have also been quilting, and decided that this month, I am going to have to kick it up a notch, to get more quilts ready to bind.

But, back to the begging... if you have ever thought of making a Quilt of Valor, or have one in process ( and no destination in mind), would you consider making one, or finishing up the one in process?  I am trying very hard to finish up all the tops my groups have made, so I am really begging for finished quilts, ones that are ready to be delivered.

I know that nationally the Quilt of Valor organization is having shortages as well, so any help is appreciated.

What are the requirements of a Quilt of Valor?
  1. Minimum size of 55 x 65, Maximum size of 72 x 90
  2. made of 100% Cotton fabrics ( flannel is perfectly fine -especially here in colorado)  (batting does not have to be cotton)
  3. Long arm or machine quilted, not tied
  4. Has a pillowcase/presentation case   ( now I have you covered here - the Pueblo West Quilters are awesome pillowcase makers and have sent me great ones)
  5. Washed in cold water, no detergents or smelly *things* 

Thank you Thank you Thank you for all of your past help, future help, and great thoughts!! If you need my address , feel free to email me ( there is a link on my profile) or to AlyciaQuilts @

*updates:  1. No the quilts do not have to be all Patriotic colors (grin)
                 2. Here is a link to a free pattern:


  1. Oh Alycia ...I hear you but my current charity quilt is going to a local group giving quilts to families of deceased soldiers.

    I will hunt around the studio and see what I can come up with. Somewhere there should be some blocks I can put together and quilt over the next few months. I have a project or two to finish so it will definitely not be something you'll see right away... but eventually I will mail you one. Honest. (note to self -- make a note to do this!) B.

  2. What wonderful news!

    I just got two quilts back from the longarmer, and I am working on the binding. I'll speed it up and get these two in the mail ASAP.

  3. Just beginning to work with QOV. I made a whole stack of blocks for the Just One Star program through Moda and lots of pillowcases for a lady who takes them to veterans and soldiers at the hospital. Just made 6 blocks for a blog friend who's daughter lost her fiance in Afghanistan 2 weeks before they were to be married. So, I've just gotten my feet wet and starting to pull together my first QOV. Do you have a preferred pattern that you could recommend?

  4. Gee whiz, I have several tops but not in red, white & blue. If you will take other color combos I could get a couple quilted and bound this week. Maybe there are a couple of soldiers that love purple??

  5. Judy V. from Thornton9:37 AM

    I have one more ready for you, and I will get it to my daughter as soon as I can so that you can pick it up. Once I finish up on the Christmas projects for my family, I will get back to QOV fun. It is a privelege to make the quilts for the soldiers!

  6. I wish I did have some QOVs to send to you... don't even have a finished flimsy to send. This is a very worthwhile project and I hope to become involved in the near future...

  7. Sue in Scottsdale, AZ10:50 AM

    I have several QOVs that just need labels and then washed. I'll get them made and put on this weekend and try to get a package off to you next week.

  8. My husband recently retired from the army but his last position was CSM of the WTB at Ft. Campbell. I fully appreciate the work you and your Chaplain are heading up (and please contact me directly if you think I can be of any additional assistance)!

    I will be reposting your request and whipping up what I can this weekend and get them out ASAP! (I have a mid-arm which makes it possible for me to piece and quilt quickly if necessary and this is necessary!)

    Thank you for your great support for our soldiers and all you do!

  9. I will put the call out through my blog tomorrow and will get mine done for you soon!

  10. I have 3 quilts that are ready to go as soon as I wash them. They also don't have labels.
    Where do you want me to send them.
    atkins at

  11. i am out of town right now but as soon as i get home i will check my quilt stash and send you what i can. i was looking for places to donate and this is just great. hugs, shirley

  12. Alycia I have two that are done. Just need to wash and then can get them off to you.
    You are doing a great job and I am sure the soldiers appreciate it.

  13. I have a couple that I can send but I have a question. HOW FIRM are those dimensions? Is there any wiggle room? Also I am assuming that you want SOME Red, White and Blue on the quilt? I have several quilts finished and waiting to be donated that have NO RED, WHITE or BLUE on them.

    Please let me know ASAP so I can get what I have in the mail.

    Thank you for what you do!
    sao in Midlothian, VA

  14. Somewhere, I have the blocks for a QOV, but I have to find them. I will try and get the quilt together and sent as soon as possible. Please send me you address so I have it when the quilt is done.

  15. I have two Quilts of Valor in progress. One is just a pile of blocks. The other needs a border and quilted. I'll move them up on my list and pass the word to my guild.

    The blocks were made last weekend at my guild's fall retreat. We usually have a mystery block at the retreat. This year I was in charge of the mystery block and I let them know up front that they were making blocks for a Quilt of Valor. Several of the ladies asked me about the program as a result. I may be able to talk one or two of them into making a quilt if it is going to someone at Ft. Carson.

  16. I would be proud to help bind quilts... So if you need help please let me know!

  17. Pat R.1:07 PM

    I've been such a slacker the past few months, but I have one finished and 2 more ready to quilt....add the promise to keep them coming, and I think we can fill that closet!!

  18. I'm with you in spirit Alycia, even though the distances prevent me sending a physical contribution.
    So pleased to hear that the new chaplain is so totally onboard with your program - that's got to be a great help. Keep up the great work :)

  19. Anonymous11:57 PM

    we have 56 blocks finished of red,white, and blue prints. these are not put together. we have no quilter machine. WE would like to continuw these blocks in hopes that someone, will use them, put them, in batting and backing and send them on. Our blocks are a 10 X 10 square, and very well done. They are backed with a piece of white muslin.thanks for all the effort you are doing.!


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