
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Stash Report Sunday

I had forgotten to add the fabrics I used for my Memory quilt - so yay - I have fabric usage to report!  And please know - it is bound!!! So It can actually be used!!!

So for the Stash used report:
Fabrics in this week:  0 yard
Fabrics in YTD:        207.295

Fabric used this week:   10 yards
Fabrics Used YTD:        326.836

Total Fabric BUSTED for 2011:  -119.541

And just so you feel in the game.... here is where my Saturday was spent....
My player is Royal Blue #37 !!

For other stash reports - head over to


  1. Who says a quilt has to be bound to be used? It is just beautiful and I'm sure that A. will treasure it. I hope it brings him much healing in this difficult time.

    Great picture-I hope they won.

  2. Your quilt is darling! Sure like the fabric choices. Hope your son won his game.

  3. Your stars are so scrappy, I like how you fussy cut the center fabrics. Congrats on another one DONE for your family. Nothing like a hug from a quilt. You know all about that with your QOV's!

  4. Congratulations on another fabulous finish... love those wonky stars!!!

  5. Great quilt!! I really hope that it helped with your healing. HUGS!!

  6. Terrific amount of fabric used this year.

  7. What a pretty finish! We bought our 4 yr old his first soccer gear this weekend - here we go!


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