
Friday, September 30, 2011

Quilting a QOV

You ever have those days that you are just brain blocked? Well I do, and today is one of them! We have so much stuff going on, and so many places to be it has been crazy..... but I don't want that to sound like a complaint - I am lovin' it.  I love that my kids each have their own interests, and sports, and friends... and I enjoy hanging out with them - but boy howdy - do they know how to fill a day!!!

My fun quilting has kind of taken a back burner this semester - which again is not a complaint - just a *how do they do it all* question.....

I felt really lucky to get some time in this week - and finish up my customer quilts for the week - and then get this puppy in!!! It is a jelly roll race quilt from Ethel. She made it when we had our sew day - and had a jelly roll race!!! I love how it turned out.

Thanks Ethel for putting in your hard work!!! I am bringing it back for you to bind - Bwahh haa haa

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Nancy and Sandra

Nancy - up in Wyoming has been extremely busy - sewing up a storm, Check out this awesome Quilt of Valor!!! It was quilted by Sandra in Montana.... some day I am going to have to go visit!!

Isn't that a cool pattern? I love the close up and the overall effect!! Thanks Ladies!

I should tell you Nancy's blog too :

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More Quilts from Meredith and the Gang

These quilts are perfect timing.... And they are beautiful!! I am so tickled to get a chance to see Quilts of Valor before they get presented! All of these were quilted by Ron Olsen in New Mexico.

Made by Sandy K.

A close up of the quilting - President Lincoln is in there - I swear!!!

Made by Pat A.

Made by Meredith

Made by Meredith

Made by Arlene - and the one below is a close up of the quilting.

made by Meredith - and look Pres. Lincoln is in this one too!!

These are just awesome quilts! Enjoy!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Stash Report

I have been busy making quilt backs!! So this report looks good.... but next weeks should look even better ( Ihope!!)

I made 6 Quilt backs this week - all Quilts of Valor backings - cuz some of my wonderful long-arm friends are going to get them quilted for me.... there is just NOT enough time in the day anymore!!! I think they are getting shorter - at least thats my excuse

So the report:

Used this Week:       -24.167 yards
Used YTD:          -351.003

Added this week:                 0
Added/donated YTD:    207.29

Net BUSTED   :    -143.71 yards

But the even better news.... we made backs for 13 more QOV's today...and the borders for 2 tops, and finished a top... and bound 4 quilts..... thats gotta make a dent right?  

For other stash reports got to

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Miracles Quilt

I know that recently the push for the *Under Our Wings* program with Quilts of Valor has really taken a lot of new quilters under their wings - but I have to admit - this has been happening in Colorado for at least 6 years now!   My good Friend Jessica teaches a lot of young women the art of Quilting. And Quilts of Valor is seeing a lot of great Quilt tops becuase of it.

This one is NO exception!!! It was quilted By Sharon H in Evergreen. I am so appreciative of our local longarm quilters who really help finish these beauties up!

Thanks team!! you all rocked it!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fitness Friday

My Fitness challenge is coming to an end. I have one more week to finish up 10 miles of RuJoWa ing ... for those of you who don't know thats what we call my attempts at running - Running/Jogging/Walking..... and then collapsing!

A lot of you have said you would love to join in a challenge like this - well here is the link to the challenge that I participated in. 

I have no clue if they are going to do it another quarter or not - but I NEED to keep up with this. It is so easy for me to say - oh - I will just do a *little* bit more tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes people!!! It always turns into today - and today goes just way way way to fast for me.

Anyways - as of today I am at 90 miles, so wish me luck to keep it up - please !!!   Or maybe join me?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Purple Quilt of Valor

I don't know if I have ever quilted a Purple QOV - but there is always time for a first! And I think I like it!  I used a darker Purple thread, and used my Meandering Magic book ( from Suzanne Early) and went to town. 

An overall look

Close up of the front

The back ( I LOVE the pieced squares!!!)

A close up of the back.

Jeri in our quilt guild made this quilt and gave it to me for a Quilt of Valor. Recently I have been able to deliver some female quilts... so I think this one will be headed that way soon - agree?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A quilty Meeting with Gina

There is this awesome gal down in Longmont that has a bunch of quilty friends!! They have all gotten together and decided to make some Quilts of Valor. And they are just too cool.

I got a call from Gina asking if we could meet up - and then she wanted to meet at a fabric store - so Yes - double Yes!!! And we met up!! And she gave me some beautiful Quilts of Valor.... so sit back and enjoy!!

This is Gina

This quilt is called Odds and Ends, and was made by the Going To Pieces Quilt group of Longmont. It was quilted by Donna Smith

This one was made by the Longmont Quilt Guild and Quilted by Wendy Lewis
And so is the one right underneath,

This one was both Pieced and Quilted by Diane Blandy

This one was made by the Longmont Quilt guild.

And the last one she passed off to me was made by the Longmont Quilt guild and quilted by Donna Smith.

 Quite an industrious group I think!!! Thanks quilters - these Quilts of Valor will be loved - I know these things!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I know I show you a lot of cool pillowcases - but I must have missed taking a close up photo of this one.... or if I did... I didn't brag enough on it - check this one out.

Cool huh?   Now to match it to the right Quilt of Valor..... Smile!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

A cool quilt

This is a quilt that a customer of mine did. She did a great job. She had purchased a neat panel, and when she got home realized how wonky it was. I love the solution. And I loved the backing fabric!!!

She cut the panel up and made them the center of her blocks.

And the back.... Tada!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

What a week!

I have to admit that I am really surprised that today is Saturday!! I wonder where the week went - I did tons of stuff and had a blast.... but really.... it's Saturday?

Two of my children are participating in the First Lego League Robotics competition, and their mother is a co-coach.  So our team spent Sunday night and Monday night building all our competition pieces. 

Tuesday my horse shoer came - and you all probably remember I have more horses than I have fingers, so that is pretty much the whole day -with just enough time to clean up to get a kiddo to football practice and make a snack for the one I am picking up from Cross Country.

Wednesday we went to the dairy - this up side crazy calf was one of the cute things we saw. It's a Guernsey in Training.... ha!

Thursday found us at the vet - my poor girl had a hematoma in her ear. She had a major surgery, then came home with us. Did you know she weighs 58 pounds? And 58 pounds, when on hydrocodone, makes it almost impossible for her to take stairs... and we have 20 stairs up to our house, and carrying her was a workout!

That's her cone of shame - I think that was a look of hate as well. She is back at the vet's, she needed more draining of the ear - so she can hate him, instead of me!!

Here was Friday - at the Cross Country meet in Ft Morgan. My mom and dad came too! And we had a plan. The team has to get there an hour and a half early. We didn't know where the meet was, so we followed the bus... then turned into town and went to the Quilt Shop!!! Yay me!!
Inspirations Quilt shop is a cool shop!

And this was Ft Lupton - Football!! It was a nice day.

Oh and Friday I got stung by a bee. Today my foot is all swelled up like a sausage, so at this moment I am on the couch with the foot up and ice on it....
I am being spoiled!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Field Trip!!!

To the Cozy Cow Dairy!!! We got to go see cows get milked, and some babies, and then we headed in to their little store and got some goodies!

Did you know that Cheese Curds are not Cottage Cheese?  You Did? Well I guess I should have asked you then - cuz I learned today what they are. The folks at the Dairy called them squeaky cheese...
Here we are behind the glass plate watching the cows get milked.

See the Dairy man down there checking the cows? Those collection bottles hold 70 pounds of milk.  How many gallons will that make?  ( it takes about 8 pounds of milk per gallon)

The end of the milk line. Its a small dairy - they milk 5 cows at a time.
So how many gallons of milk does it take to make cheese?
5 gallons of milk will make about 5-6 pounds of cheese.

And then they had goats. This goat got the tie on my purse and pulled it.... little thief! He liked the bright green I think!

This dairy processes its own milk, ice cream, and cheese - so we had a snack. Best Chocolate milk EVER!!!

And just so you can't say I never taught you anything!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Design Floor ( no laundry edition)

I am so proud - all the laundry was off the floor when I got to take it over! Usually I have to beg the kids to get there stuff back to their rooms!

So here is whats on the Design Floor - A Cool Quilt of Valor!!! 

This one was made by the Miracles group in Denver. They are a rehab center, for women.
One of the things that they teach is Quilting.

I quilted it up with the panto called Spin - by Jodi Beamish

And the back!

And the emptying stadium.... we had a Cross Country Meet, then headed straight to the CSU vs UNC game - where my CSU Rams proudly won!!

To see other design walls/floors
go to

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Quilts of Valor from Meredith and Ron and the Trilogy Quilters

Shew - Long title - but I didn't want to forget any one!!! This huge box came from Cali and oh boy - were those quilts great!!

Here ya go - be ready to drool.

The first 4 quilts were made by Meredith and Quilted by Ron in New Mexico.
Love the close ups - check out that quilting!

How about that eagle in the quilting?

This last quilt was made by the Trilogy Quilters and quilted by Ron.

Thank you for these amazing Quilts of Valor!!