
Saturday, September 17, 2011

What a week!

I have to admit that I am really surprised that today is Saturday!! I wonder where the week went - I did tons of stuff and had a blast.... but really.... it's Saturday?

Two of my children are participating in the First Lego League Robotics competition, and their mother is a co-coach.  So our team spent Sunday night and Monday night building all our competition pieces. 

Tuesday my horse shoer came - and you all probably remember I have more horses than I have fingers, so that is pretty much the whole day -with just enough time to clean up to get a kiddo to football practice and make a snack for the one I am picking up from Cross Country.

Wednesday we went to the dairy - this up side crazy calf was one of the cute things we saw. It's a Guernsey in Training.... ha!

Thursday found us at the vet - my poor girl had a hematoma in her ear. She had a major surgery, then came home with us. Did you know she weighs 58 pounds? And 58 pounds, when on hydrocodone, makes it almost impossible for her to take stairs... and we have 20 stairs up to our house, and carrying her was a workout!

That's her cone of shame - I think that was a look of hate as well. She is back at the vet's, she needed more draining of the ear - so she can hate him, instead of me!!

Here was Friday - at the Cross Country meet in Ft Morgan. My mom and dad came too! And we had a plan. The team has to get there an hour and a half early. We didn't know where the meet was, so we followed the bus... then turned into town and went to the Quilt Shop!!! Yay me!!
Inspirations Quilt shop is a cool shop!

And this was Ft Lupton - Football!! It was a nice day.

Oh and Friday I got stung by a bee. Today my foot is all swelled up like a sausage, so at this moment I am on the couch with the foot up and ice on it....
I am being spoiled!


  1. Love reading all about your activities. Makes me a trifle jealous and I miss those days with my kids! Sorry about the sting though.
    Um..not jealous of that....
    Have a great week!

  2. Oh my gosh, what a week!!!


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