
Monday, September 12, 2011

Design Floor ( no laundry edition)

I am so proud - all the laundry was off the floor when I got to take it over! Usually I have to beg the kids to get there stuff back to their rooms!

So here is whats on the Design Floor - A Cool Quilt of Valor!!! 

This one was made by the Miracles group in Denver. They are a rehab center, for women.
One of the things that they teach is Quilting.

I quilted it up with the panto called Spin - by Jodi Beamish

And the back!

And the emptying stadium.... we had a Cross Country Meet, then headed straight to the CSU vs UNC game - where my CSU Rams proudly won!!

To see other design walls/floors
go to


  1. Very cute quilt. I like the black and white in there.

  2. Oh, how I love a colorful, scrappy quilt. Nice job, ladies.

  3. Love it! I have a similar quilt in the works and I really like the small red and larger blue borders...must audition that with my quilt!

  4. Very cool quilt, I love the blue in it.


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