
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Presentations of Quilts of Valor

I had the honor of presenting 3 Quilts of Valor to some outstanding Vets the other day. We had  Desert Storn, and Iraq and a Vietnam Vet present. They were just so cool.... And were so excited to recieve these quilts.

The couple in this last photo had an 18 month old girl and she wanted to snuggle in that quilt so badly.. it was adorable.

Hope you enjoy seeing where some of these quilts go!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Tie Quilt

Pat ( a different Pat) sent me this wonderful quilt that she made out of her husbands ties. It was a beautiful quilt. My guys all drooled over the ties, and said that if her husband didn't want it they would gladly take it off his hands!!

Pat has allowed me to post some pictures....

Some of these ties are just priceless. We loved each of them and loved checking them out!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Design Wall ( floor) Monday and UFO #8

This month;s UFO number chosen was #8 - and my number 8 was a bunch of strips to be sewn into a top... and I did it!! I wanted to get it quilted too....but seeing as how the month is moving faster than expected.... its not happening!

This is called a Lasagna Quilt - from and Atkinson designs book called Spring Cleaning.

And of course - this will be a Quilt of Valor when its all ready to go.
To see what others have on their design wall go to:

Friday, June 24, 2011

Quilted By Pat

There is a wonderful wonderful dear sweet woman down in Peyton, who I adore and she is an awesome quilter.... (altho she WON'T let me cut off the butterflys) and Pat quilted four more Quilts of Valor for us.
This first quilt Pat quilted was made by Willa - she in one of the awesome ladies of Livermore Church Quilters.

This second one is just beautiful. I love this pattern..anyone recognize it?

These last two quilts were made by the FCCLA ladies and Platte Valley High School. Didn't they do a great job?

Oh - and here is a close up of the quilting on Willas quilt... they are just so gorgeous!!

Thank you so much Pat for getting these quilted. I so appreciate your help!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

You won't believe it

but I think the Natural Gas/Oil people are out to get me.... two nights ago... while Wrangler Man was NOT home to chase away the scary monsters that only come out at night..... I had headlights shining through my Bathroom window. 

Now, while this may be normal for a lot of people.... it is NOT for me. It kind of indicates that someone has entered on my property by an unauthorized way and is traveling in an unauthorized direction ( I hope that makes sense) .... okay tresspassing...

So while I did a little freak out dance - I mean is was about 2:30 in the morning.... I got brave and looked out my window. A semi was driving through my neighbors pasture, and was kind of stuck. He gunned it and turned... and then things got a little noisy.

The next morning I woke up to:

Another well!!!! So now I have one our my east bedroom window, and one out my west bathroom window, and they make noise, and I am a light sleeper.....

So if I pull a cranky on someone... I blame the gas  ( bwahh haa haa)

Sometimes it sounds like a herd of these:

And they make as big a mess....

Okay - last personal life post for a while- I promise!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quilts from Judy

Ms Judy is one prolific piecer/quilter!! She lives down in Broomfield, but her daughter lives here - so I get to see both of them often!!!  Here are the latest Quilts of Valor that she has made:

And of course the back of the red one:

Thanks so much Judy!!! You are awesome!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Design Floor Monday

Oh boy!! Did I get something finally done!!!  yay!!!

My string quilt top is finished!! Now its on to UFO #8.... wish me luck - time is running out.

For other design walls please go to

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Did I keep you wondering?

I didn't mean to!!! We just took a short trip to Laramie WY. this weekend, and I forgot to download the pictures..... but this is what we see at night!

And in the middle of the night this is what we see.... this big rig is an natural gas well that is being drilled less that 1/2 a mile from my bedroom window... and yes it is on our property. And No we do not own the mineral rights - or you ALL would be getting fabric packages in the mail!!

They own the minerals and they have a right to get to them. They are drilling 4 directional wells - so shall be here drilling for at least a month. No need for nightlights at our house!!

And of course - they have fenced off a lot of our pasture - so we are playing rotational grazing with the animals on a pretty regular basis ( as opposed to our monthly rotations)

So for those of you who guessed right! Congrats!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Quilt from Susan

Susan  sent me this Quilt of Valor to deliver - and Susan - I love it!!! It is a String quilt - but I love the setting!!!

And check out the back....

Susan!! Thank you so much!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Deliveries of Quilts of Valor

I think my favorite favorite part of giving a Quilt of Valor out - is the smiles!!! These pics might say it all....

Enjoy!!! And know that these quilts are truly valued!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Enjoying the evening

It was a cool evening, and we were all home at the same time.... so we gathered up the horses... And headed off into the arena - maybe to get in a little roping, or steer chasing, or just plain goofing off ....

Rojo loves my horse - Bar-B... see the blue tag on the headset? Thats cuz I get confused as to which headset goes on which horse and so Wrangler Man labeled them for me... sweet man!

Speaking of which - isn't he handsome? That is Brownie Mare... she has a real name - a certified, documented, registered name - but she is the only Brown mare I have - hence the name - Brownie Mare ;-)

Middle bit - turning steers across the arena.

Roping practice

Just to prove that I ride too! Sort of!

Remember those semi trucks? this is what they brought in to my beautiful grassy pastures...
Know what it is?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Design Floor Monday

Todays design floor looks like this:
Altho I have been working on my UFO for the month, and I finally decided on my Indigo Fabrics - I got sidetracked, and realized that I had layed this string quilt out, pinned it, and put it back. So now I MUST finish it before I can start anything else!! 3 rows are done.... good start.

I know this picture is blurry - but you are looking at semis stopped on the highway while some bigger semis are turning into our East road. So of course - I am a mile away taking the shots....

What do you think these semis are arriving here for?

And why are they flattening my rolling green hills? What is going on out there?

To see other design walls/floors go to

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Stash Report

Wow - what a week!!! My sweet dear ol' dad had to have surgery - and he was so kind and considerate - that he chose a hospital right next to my favorite quilt shop!!!! Can you believe it? Well - okay - there were 3 shops in the near area!!

And all the damage I did was to by some Kona Cottons. I bought a white and a cream - for backgrounds for two quilts that I pulled all the other fabrics for. So you know it will be 2014 before I start... but I HAVE the fabric!!

Last week we were at a dog show, so I missed posting my report - so two weeks combined!

Fabrics Used this last 2 weeks:    6.5 yards -
Borders for my Red quilt, and the start of UFO #8 - althought it was kitted it had not been counted out of my stash - yay me!)

Fabrics Used Year to Date:         271.72 yards

Fabrics purchased last 2 weeks:   8 1/4 yards
Fabrics In Year to date(both donated and purchased)    183.04

Fabric Busted Year to Date:            88.68 yards

To see other reports go to

Friday, June 10, 2011

I like to talk!

I just really found this out - which is kind of funny - cuz you know I live in the middle of nowhere, with animals and kids, and I do a lot of listening! But recently I was invited to the Alpine Quilt guild in Golden/Genesee Colorado. I was invited to speak about Quilts of Valor and boy did I speak!

This guild was located in the most gorgeous place and of course I was too busy gawking to take any pictures. But I am ready to visit again. After I was done talking, one of the members came up and told me that she had wondered how long, and what kind of info would come from a Quilt of Valor talk - and was she surprised! Little did she know that I still had more words left LOL

Anyways - this guild has chosen Quilts of Valor as their Quilting project this year and they sent me home with a few finished ones.
Isn't this one great? Made by Cathy R and quilted by Sharon

This is the front of the wildlife QOV.....

And here is the back - a totally reversible quilt. And instead of a pillowcase it came in a really neat bag that was made by a Vietnam Vet.

The Quilt of Valor fabric lines are now arriving and one of the members works at Holly Quilt Cabin in Centennial and brought me this fabric with labels preprinted on it

Here is a close up of them

Thank you Alpine Quilt Guild for inviting me, and listening to me! I had a great time!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

My Kids

You know they keep me busy and keep me out of trouble - but they sure are fun to watch. This kiddo has mastered the RipStick - it is like a skateboard with only one wheel on each end. I looked at it and could see the fall coming - but he has not crashed yet!

And just so you can keep up - we went from ripsticking to shooting sports - the boy in the red shirt is my oldest, the one in the camo is my middle. They are on the archery line.

While the little goombah is a little bit away at the air rifle competition.

And then after archery - middle bit moved to the air pistol line while the oldest moved to the air rifle line, and all I had to do was move my red chair from spot to spot - and the shady spots if possible. Even sitting in the shade I got sunburned!

The next day found us in the dog show - inside - without the hot sun burning down on us! Little bit and Sundae did the puppy class and did quite well.

But they were totally worn out after all that work!

And the next morning each kid slept in till 8am - a totally rare occurance in this household - they even wore Wrangler Man out. He was a shooting judge - so was on the line for the whole day, and worried about me staying in the shade... cuz he;s that kind of guy you know! Plus he wanted to keep track of our cooler - a LOT of water and gatorade gets consumed at these events!!