
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Did I keep you wondering?

I didn't mean to!!! We just took a short trip to Laramie WY. this weekend, and I forgot to download the pictures..... but this is what we see at night!

And in the middle of the night this is what we see.... this big rig is an natural gas well that is being drilled less that 1/2 a mile from my bedroom window... and yes it is on our property. And No we do not own the mineral rights - or you ALL would be getting fabric packages in the mail!!

They own the minerals and they have a right to get to them. They are drilling 4 directional wells - so shall be here drilling for at least a month. No need for nightlights at our house!!

And of course - they have fenced off a lot of our pasture - so we are playing rotational grazing with the animals on a pretty regular basis ( as opposed to our monthly rotations)

So for those of you who guessed right! Congrats!!!


  1. Pat R.8:22 PM

    Kind of what I thought it was...been around an oil patch or two over the

  2. I hope it's not noisy. Bad enough that your gorgeous view is obstructed but what a shame if your peace and tranquility were also affected.


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