
Sunday, March 06, 2011

Sunday Stash Report

I hope my numbers aren't all that big because I have been sewing, and chasing children, and doing *business* with oil people..... at least thats my excuse!

Used This Week : -5.9 yards - I FINALLY cut up all those strings for my lime centered blocks!
Used YTD:            -148.7 yards
Charity Added:    : 0 yards  ( the box that I got last weekend is now in the house, on my exercise bike - and it hasn't moved. Yep - the box and the bike have not been moved!!!)

Fabric Purchased:   0 yards - but not because I didn't want to - more because that oldest kid of mine took all my cash for his Knowledge bowl competition lunch..... kids!

Fabric Added YTD:   97.25 yards

Net BUSTED Stash:   51.45 yards USED

I have however been working on my to do list -and got this top put together last night!
The free pattern for this one can be found here:

To see how much stash others have used or purchased go to:


  1. Your scrappy rail fence is great. Good job on this year.

  2. Oh, Wow! I love that quilt. Our guild makes Soldiers' Angels quilts. I'll be sure to show this one to our chairman.

  3. You are doing great on your stash busting... that's a LOT of fabric to have used!

    Love the newest quilt... someone is going to treasure it!

  4. Yes teenagers are expensive!! Very cute quilt.

  5. You have used an impressive amount of fabric this year! I like the colors in your rail fence too.

  6. Great totals and nice top.

  7. Wow, what a great bust!

    I love your quilt!

  8. Great stash busting numbers. Love your red, white and blue!


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