
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Purple MC Challenge Quilt

Is QUILTED - not bound, but who cares??? It is quilted!! And I think it turned out okay.
I did a feather all around the piano Key borders. I kind of did it free hand without marking before hand - just wanted to see if I could do it. And I think I did. However I would not take that chance on a quilt that I had decided to enter in a fair or something - that might have been nerve wracking. As it was, I didn't really care if the feathers matched up or not.

One of the smaller inner borders.
The outside border. I chalked it as I went and you can still see the different lines that I drew - It was kind of fun, an experiment if you will.

The back - see in the long run it all turned out just fine, But I kind of like the security of marking things before I load them, so that I get the exact middle of the quilt, and the lines all set up first.


  1. What a wonderful job you did quilting the purple quilt! I love it!!!

  2. I like it! You have a neat design on the back also. Of Course, I LOVE purple.

  3. Super job! Who doesn't love purple!!

  4. Your feather stitching is lovely! The back is like a whole cloth quilt. You did good!

  5. Congrats on such a great job! I really love the photograph of the quilt from the back!

  6. Anonymous8:03 PM

    It looks great! The texture on the back is awesome!


  7. Very pretty, great job.

  8. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Gotta be honest - didn't care much for this top, but your quilting makes it a BEAUTIFUL quilt. Fantastic job.
    Pamela in SOMD


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