
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


For some unknown reason - at least unknown to me - I have this unrelenting desire to be organized. So I have been making lists, and writing things on my calendar, and making lists in the car - and you know what ?

I am overwhelmed.... so I stuffed all the lists in a drawer! Whoever finds them can start working on them!! 

If I was pregnant I would call this my nesting phase, but I am not, and have no plans to be - so what is up? Maybe it is the spring weather and looking at everything without the snow on it?

But my quilting list  - I have been working on that - a little!  Of course most of yesterday was spent getting my horses their pedicures. And man did they ham it up. Romeo - my sweet Romeo, who does not think he is a horse, used me as a leaning post during his manicure. He thinks he is human, and forgets that he weighs about 1400 pounds.... But I felt loved.

First on my list for last week was to look thru my stash for brown fabrics. I knew there would be some, because the world is against my desire to go buy LOTs of new fabrics.

Considering how fast I am quilting this month - I may not be able to even start the Brown Monochromatic quilt until next March.... maybe that is what prompted my frenzied list making?

Second on my list was to finish my Lime String blocks. My goal was 4, but Ihad enough to make 24 - so I did, and now they are all layed out, ready to be stitched into a top.

And third was to begin working on my UFO #1 for Judy's UFO Challenge   and I did. These are the rows I have sewn together - lets not talk about how big the quilt will be, lets just focus on these rows that ARE sewn together - okay - thanks!

And that's it - That's all I have.......

Tonite is one son's second to the last rehearsal of his big play - that goes live on Sunday. And next week starts spring break - sort of. One kiddo has High school Swimming practice still, and the other two still have sport practices, and... and.... and..... - I think I am finally seeing the reason for lists - maybe I won't forget all that the kids are making me do???

My Goals for next week:

Finish the UFO #1 Top - my main goal is to get it into a top and make the back before the end of the month.

Seriously plan on the Brown MC challenge - If I can't get it cut out this week, I may have to restash the fabrics .

To see what others are up to go to:


  1. I used to make lists all the time, then I realized they were just overwhelming me. Now the grocery list is the only one I make. Love those lime green strings!

  2. I kind of go in fits and spurts with lists, lol. Sometimes I use them a lot and they help, but lots of times, I just sort of fly by the seat of my pants, lol.

  3. I find I have to make lists now or I forget what I need to do. The iPad is great because the lists are all in one easy to find place.

    Love the Lime centered blocks. I "borrowed" the photo for the HeartStrings website but linked back to your blog. Hope that's OK!

  4. I had hoped to sort my fabrics by color each month, I did Jan and am now behind. My brown project is cut out and a WIP.
    Hubby is bring a large table home this weekend to set up in the basement so I can sort and play with my stash. I call it organizing but he calls it playing!

  5. You got quite a bit done this week.. I love those string blocks.

    I make lists but keep them short, No more than 5 items less sometimes.

  6. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I really wish you had shown some Romeo pictures.....One of mine had a blowout and had to have a new wheel put on Tuesday also. At least the weather was nice here!

    Lists....hmmmm, I make them all the time. I just have to remember where I put them and also to look at them on occasion! Sure does help! :-) They sure can overwhelm though.

    I LOVE your lime string blocks! They are beautiful! Pretty, pretty! You are also moving right along with your UFO #1. I am still on February's UFO. Can I have some of your energy?


  7. I am a list person also. I think they invented yellow post it notes for me!!! Doesn't always mean everything gets done but more gets accomplished with a list.


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