
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quilts Awarded

You know - I have been a little remiss in showing you some of the recipients of our Quilts of Valor. I am sorry!!

So here are a few more Vets receiving their Quilts of Valor!

Both of these gentlemen are Veterans of the OIF/OEF. They both served overseas for two tours. I can tell you one little boy was very glad to get his Dad back!!!


  1. I am thankful these two gentlemen made it home safely to their loved ones... they look very pleased with their new quilts!

  2. Can't wait to make my first HeartString quilt. My biggest problem will be quilting them. Hope to read more of your blogs.

  3. glad to see pictures. I decided instead of just sending tops I am going to get a couple quilted first.
    Hopefully I will have something in the mail to you soon. cw

  4. Nice pictures, thanks for sharing them.


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