
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Its Wednesday again - Quilters Accountability

Just as soon as I get into a routine and think I have things figured out, something changes *grin* Goombah 1 started his high school swim season on Tuesday and that changes the time and location of one of the 3 swim practices that my kids go to. At least I won't get bored!!

Last weeks goals:
*Keep working on Purple Monochromatic Quilt - It is LOADED on the QUILTING MACHINE - and now I will be forced to quilt it before I can do ANYTHING ELSE - okay sort of. Tomorrow is a field trip to the Capitol, and so we KNOW it won't be Friday till I get to see that room again!

*Cut up some other strings to make Lime green Blocks with: Can I hear a Maybe - sort of to this one?  I have the foundations cut, I have a stack of fabrics pulled ( 1 pound 11 oz to be exact) and they are on the downstairs cutting table...... its a start - I'll take it!!

*Keep sewing the Pineapple blossoms:  Oh ya baby - I got at least 10 more of those suckers done. and I have all the strips cut for the rest.......

and and and.... I got a few Quilts of Valor quilted: ( let me hear the Hoo was!!)
This heartstring quilt came from Laura in my group.

This beauty was made by Ethel in my local Quilt Guild.

This last one was made by Tamera over at

Hoo ya - they are all quilted and ready to be bound at our February Sew day!

We even got in a little sledding time.... in the very very cold snow!

Goals for next week:
  1. Quilt the Purple MC Quilt
  2. Keep on finishing the pineapple blossoms
  3. CUT some strings for REAL
  4. Bind UFO #10 ( maybe)
I found out this week that I may be a *gasp* perfectionist, which really makes me laugh - because seriously - have you seen how square my quilts are?

But one thing about perfectionists - they are procrastinators. I fit that category quite well - Thank you very much! So that means I may have to put the binding off until someone FORCES me to do it!!!

To see what others are up to go to:

And have a great evening!!


  1. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Alycia, you are so funny! I can see you being a perfectionist...and also being a procrastinator! LOL. Why do you think it helps all of us to do the accountability thing? Cause we would ALL put things (especially bindings) off for years if we could! I need a little forcing sometimes.....

    Those quilts of valor are beautiful! I love the bright strings and the RWB looks complicated! Some soldier will cherish that! And you sure can't beat Tamera's Twisters!

    I can't wait to see the purple quilt and also the pineapple blossoms. I love the spark the lime green gives to it!

    Keep it up and I will be glad to come out there and force you to do some work! (Would that count as a vacation for me?)


  2. I love those quilts...I can't pick a favorite. LOL I am a good procrastinator myself LOL Thanks for reminding me that I have bindings to do ;) You may have to come force me to do them. LOL

  3. Oh that looks COLD, Hawaii sounds good to me also!!

  4. More beautiful quilts Alycia and you have been busy. I love the plaid one with black centre strings. I can't imagine how cold it is there and I'm glad that you took time to play as well.
    Hugs Jan Mac

  5. Alright....

    "Maybe sorta".....

    "HOOOOOO YA!!!!"


    The progress you are making and reporting in your QA's is wonderful to read about weekly.! Keep up the amazing work......... in addition to your family time!


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