
Thursday, February 10, 2011

QA 2/9/11

Last night was supposed to be my Quilters Accountability Report, when we got home from Practices ( 9:30pm) my computer locked up, and went into not so nice mode. So after we got it all figured out, I gave up and went to bed.... plus its probably not that exciting of a report....I am sluggish ;-)

Last weeks goals were to:
Number 1: is to decide on a plan of action with violet.  Did this, and actually have a top in progress. it is on the Design wall post, just under this one.

Number 2: Get out UFO #10 and get a plan for getting it done. It is out on my cutting board as we type!!

This weeks goals:
1. Quilt one of my  Monochromatic Challenge quilt's from last month.
2. Get Backing made and ready for UFO #10
3. Work on Purple MC Quilt
4. Start LIME GREEN Strings quilt!

Heartstrings is an awesome little yahoo group, and for February and March to challenge is to use Lime Green center strings in your blocks.... Surprisingly Lime Green is not a color I have a lot of, although I love it! But I found a 1 yard piece and will start with that!
To learn more about Heartstrings go to:

To see what everyone else is up to go to:

Have a great week!!


  1. You got something done. All good in this weather.

  2. I'm feeling sluggish too! That's a good way to describe it...BUT, yesterday, I started going through all my fabric and I've decided that I'm going to gift a BUNCH of fabric, so that gave me a shot in the arm!

  3. congratulations on your activity in the monochromatic challenge i love seeing how people are getting on with is


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