
Friday, February 11, 2011

I have a disease!

It is called Quilt Startitis.... and I am not sure it is a good thing!

I was browsing blogs last night, because if I got up from my desk people would think they could ask me things, and tell me what they needed.... but if I stayed glued to my desk like I was  *working* they would leave me alone.... and then I found this post:

And I saw Bonnie H's Pineapple blocks laying there and I went - I WANT one of those!  Well, I am working on Purple's Monochromatic Challenge, and all of my strips are 2 inches. And I cut forty billion strips.   And over on heartstrings we are Supposed to be working on Lime green center string blocks, so I have  a 2 yard piece of limeish green next to my table, and I thought - I will make ONE block.

But the thing is - I like it..... and now - I have a conundrum....
Do I make 48 of these blocks to make a a whole quilt top?

And have all of these 1/2 square pieces left over, that you KNOW I can't throw away, cuz they are a useful size, and if I was really ambitious I could use them as a border on something.

Or - do I go back to the idea of using the purples in a string quilt with Lime green centers.

Knowing how much I cut I probably could do both, but knowing that my children and animals expect to be fed on a daily basis, and that at some point in time I will have to use the restroom, What should I concentrate on?

See my disease??? I want to start them all.

Which if I do that - I would be able to participate in all sorts of UFO challenges for the rest of my life.... ugh!

Oh - and I got a cute little customer quilt quilted. I used a panto called Hearts and loops by Deb Geissler, and the little girl ( 3 years old) loves hearts!


  1. What a dilemma... so many quilt choices, so little time...

    Love the purple and lime block... very very nice!

  2. I think a purple string quilt with lime green centers would totally rock :-) Just call Lime "neutral" and it works for the monochromatic challenge :-D.

  3. The direct complement of purple is chartreuse! The pineapple blossom block looks great. A little more black, a touch of orange, and you would have a cool Halloween quilt! Just a thought.

  4. Oh my gosh! You do have a conundrum!

    Sometimes, I give myself permission to start a bunch of quilts at once. Maybe this is your time, lol.

    I have to admit, I'm partial to the pineapple block, but I'm not a string block gal, so...

  5. Make both blocks and use one to border the other, which ever you do send me the scraps (so seriously just kidding, do not send scraps) I love the eye candy, thanks for sharing the other blog. cw

  6. ooooh, very pretty! and it's called Attention Deficit Quilting Disorder. Welcome to the club!

  7. I'm afraid I'm not going to help matters here but I LOVE the pineapple block (and now I want to make one with green centers) but then I have the same project starting affliction. Good luck!

  8. **snicker**

    Ooohh...what's another start? Go for both!

  9. I like the Lime and Purple Pinneapple Blossom. I say make that one and if you have some lime leftover, make a few blocks and send them to Sue, that way you get to do both but don't have to make the entire string quilt.

  10. Maybe we should all just be making smaller things. It's the lure of the design of the block that sucks me into starting something new. I think mug mats, pillows, table runners, potholders, maybe. Then if we just loved it, we could do a bigger quilt.

  11. I have been fighting that disease for a while! I think I can resist, but those pineapples are way cute!!!

  12. I've found a treatment for QuiltStartItis that is currently working for me: When I see something that I want to make, I see if I can adapt it to a tablerunner or baby quilt. I get to make a few blocks to get it out of my system without leaving yet another UFO.

  13. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I did "Pineapple Blossom" in turquoise and white and made a baby quilt out of the bonus squares. I love that pattern! Your purple and green is lovely and would make a beautiful quilt.
    Pamela in SOMD

  14. I so know where you are coming from. But life be better without UFO's? What can I say - but make baby quilts or maybe placemats and try everything on a small scale...


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