
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stash Report and Fun!!

This weeks stash report is looking good!!!

Used this week:                             25.3 yards ( wowser!!)
Used YTD:                                      84.93  yards
Charity Fabric added this week:  0
Fabric Added  This week :            0
Added Year To Date:                    95.25 Yards
Net Used:                                        -10.31 Yards

I am getting there - my goal was to use up at least as much fabric as came in this month - but alas - I didn't quite make it. Oh well, Lots of Quilt of Valor Quilt kits got made up, and some were even worked on at todays sew day!

Now for the fun!!! Guess where we went this week? Every January Greeley has a big Farm Show, so we were able to go check it out, and of course, the BIG attraction to the kids was the tractors.

They bought 4 of them - just kidding.... but they were trying REAL hard to negotiate. Apparently they figured that their allowance wouldn't even cover the gas charge to get the tractor home!!

But they had a great time. We were able to meet up with some friends from town, so we impressed them with all our farm knowledge. Took us 2 minutes to tell them everything we knew LOL.

Hope you all have a great evening!!


  1. Wow you used a lot of the fabric up this month, great going.

  2. Congrats on putting a serious dent in your stash... I need to start tracking mine... *lol*


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