
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Girls get Quilts too!

Most of the time I get invited to Men's Veteran's groups, or units that include men and women, but this time I was asked to visit a womens only group!

It was cool!!! There were 10 lady Veterans that are in this group. this is a picture of a few of them. One even had a very cool service dog! He was a hit with my boys. I am finding that these dogs are very very helpful, and a lot of the Vets that we meet have them.

They were very grateful, and surprised. I chose the girliest of quilts, and jokingly told them they had better like girly stuff... and one of them cried. She was so excited to have something girly, just for her, and that was made just for a female. Made my day!!

I thought it would yours as well. These Quilts of Valor are making huge differences in Veterans lives and outlooks on who appreciates them!! We sure do!

After our Veterans date - the boys went Ice Skating and I went to watch them!!

Have a great day!
And thank you SO much for making Quilts of Valor!!


  1. Thank you so very much for sharing this photo and info about your visit. I'll be working on some girly quilts for QOV this year to be sure.

  2. Awesome!! You get to meet some of the greatest people! Love the ice skating, too...but I would be watching rather then skating, for sure.

  3. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Love reading your blog Alysia. It is so rewarding to see the service personel receiving their quilts. Makes me want to sew faster. I need another 12 hours in a day.
    Nancy L


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