
Monday, January 17, 2011

Design Wall 1/16

I am still working on my Yellow MC Quilt. I know that it is not all yellow... but I was using the black as an accent color. When I was done with what I thought was going to be the top - I didn't like it..... so Wrangler Man and I looked at it, and he said - more black!!! I have added a little black border, and an working on a yellow bigger border.....

Since I had my yellow out, I had started making yellow string blocks. I DID NOT want to put the yellow back into my stash - especially now that I am doing the stash reports..... LOL  I figured that I might as well add borders to the string quilt as well.....

This was my EQ drawing of the Yellow MC quilt - I liked it in the drawing, but I think that by going as scrappy as I did, I probably lost a lot of the color value that I liked in the drawing.
Color Values are not my strong point, so I have learned something - just don't ask me to tell you what at the moment!!!

To see what others have up on their design wall go to


  1. I had the same problem when I made a quilt scrappy after designing it in EQ! I used about 20 fabrics when I should have kept it at six, LOL.

  2. I like it but I think you are right about the yellow! I do that also but am working on understanding color values more. It is a work in progress!

  3. Perhaps by the end of the challenge, we'll have color values figured out. I lucked out in that I don't have many yellows, so my "top" is tiny, like a placemat size!


  4. Yellow is a rather dominant color that can stand out quite strongly. I like the way your quilt looks in the photo because it has a very nice mixture of different shades of yellow without being overpowered. Enjoy using up your yellows, smile.

  5. Too much yellow can be a bit scary, I like your addition of black to help add some contrast to the quilt.

  6. It was a hard challenge Alycia but I do like your results...both of them! I think I would have had to add some brown if I had chosen to play along.

    I usually design in EQ without taking the time to make it scrappy but almost always make scrappy quilts. You do have to be more careful about value when you're using multiple fabrics especially where you're trying to frame something.

  7. Oooo...I don't think you lost anything with the scrappiness! LOVE LOVE LOVE your rendition of yellows! And those strings hiding up (over?) there also looks wonderful. The black is a nice addition to help the yellow have some life.

  8. Your quilts are really pretty and it has just enough color to make it very dramatic, right up my alley. I think that translating anything from EQ to real fabrics can be challenging. I am still learning everytime I use the program.

  9. I like your quilts, and I think the black looks good. I agree that when you do something in EQ it doesn't always look the same in "real life", but I like using it anyway.

  10. I like the EQ drawing AND your version...both are really nice!

  11. It's kind of hard to make a "scrap" quilt in EQ, isn't it? It's sometimes interesting to see how the quilt actually "translates" when you finish it all up.

  12. I can see that you like playing with the EQ too. My friends come over and design on my EQ and wonder how I get any work done. To learn how to use it I have 'designed' many quilts that are already finished. I love your design in yellow.


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