
Monday, November 08, 2010

Quilts from Pat

There is a wonderful wonderful lady down south of me that is a quilter - and she is amazing! I wish I knew how she gets everything done....  I do hear a lot of referenced to Bull Riding from her. So I am assuming that she watches bullriding and quilts. But ..... if she is really riding the bulls and quilting - well - my hat is off to her LOL.

One of my sons wanted to be a bullrider one time. So we took him to a little ranch rodeo and he rode a sheep. In our neck of the woods they call it mutton bustin' - but in reality it was a dirt eating experience for him. And I never heard him ask to ride bulls again.... oh But Wait - I was talking about quilts....

These two Beautiful  Quilts of Valor came from Pat - and oh man - they are wonderful!!

Thank you SO much Pat for you dedication to Quilts of Valor! And I hope you enjoyed Houston!!

1 comment:

  1. Pat R.3:23 PM

    Thanks, Alycia.....I did have a great time in Houston. The wildlife quilt colors were so pretty....almost kept that one at home! But.....I figure if I like it, one of our soldiers would like it, too, and they are so deserving. I have a QOV going now and will work on it tomorrow and probably will get it all ready to set the blocks. Did you notice in the R/W/B quilt that I used one of your rail fence blocks? Love it!


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