
Friday, November 12, 2010

Quilt Presentations

 Look at the Smiles on these faces! I think it is safe to say that they liked their Quilts of Valor!!

This first one is a Stars and Bars pattern - that is up on THIS website - Whoo Hoo!

This young man is going to be trasitioning out of the military and still has a road to recovery.

How cool is this? Not many families get to see their Veteran ( or hero in this case) get their quilt. And even get in the picture. These kiddos were precious, and wonderfully happy to see their daddy!!

This Vet is Career military and has been in all over. For such a young guy he told us some amazing stories. His unjuries from his last tour are slowly healing, and I think seeing his family and this quilt is defineatly part of that process.

Now see why we sew?


  1. How awesome it must be to distribute the quilts to these soldiers. Thanks for posting the photos.

  2. Thank you for sharing these stories. It just confirms why I love making quilts for QOV.

  3. I love that you post the photos of the soldiers and their quilts....just plain AWESOME! I need to get back to the sewing machine!

  4. Thanks so much for putting yourself out there for our veterans!

  5. My QOV quilt was given out last May at a celebration in New Hampshire, but I didn't get to see who it went too. Will probably do another in January as I cut out two at the same time. Used a pattern from the booklet "The Giving Quilt." I was pleased with it and it was very patriotic. We owe so much to these men and women. BettyLou

  6. Cathy Ortega8:00 PM

    Here in Pueblo, we had the ribbon
    cutting ceremony for our new Veterans Bridge at the Riverwalk.
    My husband is a Viet Nam Vet with two Purple Hearts and two Bronze Stars. Since there were 2,000 people there that day, we are waiting to go find his name on the bridge. He is very supportive of the Quilts of Valor....

  7. Isn't it Paul Harvey who always said - "and that's the rest of the story." Thanks so much for showing these presentation photos. It's both heartwarming and motivational!


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