
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quilters Accountability 10/20/10

Goals for Last Week:

1. Betty Blocks - keep making progress: I'm slowly working. Many of you have asked me what Betty Blocks are - well - My Great Aunt Betty was a quilter in Michigan and she donated many of her quilts to the Quilt museum and Michigan State University. I found a picture of one of them and am reproducing it - and calling it my Betty Quilt.  You can see some of them here.

2. Keep working on Fall Foliage:  Whoo hoo - all the pieces are sewn, and I am staring cutting the blocks out!!

3. Get my Veterans Rail Fence pattern all tested and ready to go - fabric requirements will go up on November 7th!!! ANNDDD there are two ways to do this - with yardage or with scraps....    So far so good - it's looking good and will truly be so easy - any one can make it!!! The quilt will be about 60 x 80 when its done... a perfect Quilt of Valor size!

Goals for Next Week:
  • Finish instructions for Veterans Rail Fence
  • Put labels on Two Quilts of Valor
  • Send Shari her box ( its almost ready Shari)
And thats it - one of my son's is heading to a State Band Championship and we are tagging along. It should be good, but since its outside I am hoping that the weather stays nice!


If you want to see what others are up to - or join in go to Bari's blog at


  1. Hey you are getting a lot done..Wish I were. LOL Have a great week.

  2. Can't wait for the Veterans Rail Fence!


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