
Monday, February 01, 2010

February Goals

Goal 1 - Quilt 5 Quilt of Valors. I know this is not as many as last month - but I have a bunch of customers quilts to do. So I am hoping to push myself a little more each day so that by the weekend the customer quilts are finished and I have the Weekends to do a Quilt of Valor. The good thing about most of the QOV's is they are lap sized and don't take me 32 hours each.
Goal 2 - Its STRING Month for me!!

* *I sorted a lot of my strings and have cut up 3 full tubs of Red, White and Blue scraps. The foundations are ready to go, and I want to work on them each day - hopefully 15 minutes per day. I also have some string blocks that I have already made and have signatures on them from various quilt venues - so those NEED to go into a QOV!!
Goal 3 - Keep up the Exercise and Menu Planning.
* When the first week of menus was successful and everyone ate it, I copied it into the computer with the hopes that I could just reprint it once a month and have a week taken care of. I just finished one for this week - so now I have 2 ( whoo Hoo) I am hoping this will help me when we get busier.

January Recap
I think I did alright on the January goals - so I am going to try this again for February.
January Recap:
*Quilt 15 QOV;s - YES!! That was a challenge for me - but I am glad I was able to push thru it. ( I will show you the last 3 on wednesday for Quilters Accountibilty)

*Finish Piecing Carolina Christmas Quilt top - Nope - but I made it thru clue 4, and am ready to start on clue 5. There were 628 small pieces to put together in Clue 4. Shew!

*Meal Planning - it works - I wrote it down, made a list and we all stuck to it, only once did I break down and do fast food for the boys... but when we got home - we all ate the meal we had planned anyways... remember I have 3 boys and their Dad - they can EAT!

*Exercise - oh so well until this last weekend. But now I know it can be done if I try really really hard!


  1. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Way to go, Alycia! I knew you could do it!

    Your February goals sure sound do-able. I still admire you for working out and for meal planning....I so need to work out!

    I have barely had any computer time and still need to get my February goals lined out....

    Way to go!


  2. I understand not getting the Carolina Christmas quilt done. It is taking forever and it is the only thing I'm working on. I think, hope, I can get the top finished today!

  3. you should be very proud of yourself. I truly believe that if you write down (or blog) your goals or to-do's, you are more likely to achieve them. I do this sometimes, and I think it's good to see what you've accomplished so you give yourself some credit instead of dwelling on what didn't get done or the new things that need to be done.

    nice job!!!

  4. Long post, but one part particularly caught my eye

    Bonnie's CC!!!!
    I am working on Step #4 as a leader-ender right now. Yeah----LOTS of pieces!!!

    Great Jan accomplishments and realistic Feb goals :0)


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