
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sharon in Colorado

This summer I met a Marine Mom whilst sitting by the pool being lazy! She had been in our quilt guild years before, and had gotten busy - so our paths never crossed.... until that fateful day *giggle*
Now she is back in the guild - and a part of our Quilt Of Valor sew days. She was not able to attend the last one, because she was taking her son to the airport - his leave was over. But on the way they dropped off these three QOV's !!
That fateful day was just the inspiration she needed to get back to quilting.

Most of this weekend for me was spent keeping benches warm. We had one basketball game and 2 swim meets. Sat, nite the swim team had a pizza party. So I haven't gotten any sewing in at all and I can tell. But since the month is just about over in a few hours - I will have to figure out how I did with my January goals - and what my February goals will be.


  1. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Beautiful quilts, Alycia! And what a wonderful story about Sharon....not just "coincidence!".

    I also have to see where I am at for the month and how things have gone. You have done FANTASTIC! You are still my hero with all your exercising and food planning!

  2. LOVE that rainbow log cabin!


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