
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sharon in Colorado

This summer I met a Marine Mom whilst sitting by the pool being lazy! She had been in our quilt guild years before, and had gotten busy - so our paths never crossed.... until that fateful day *giggle*
Now she is back in the guild - and a part of our Quilt Of Valor sew days. She was not able to attend the last one, because she was taking her son to the airport - his leave was over. But on the way they dropped off these three QOV's !!
That fateful day was just the inspiration she needed to get back to quilting.

Most of this weekend for me was spent keeping benches warm. We had one basketball game and 2 swim meets. Sat, nite the swim team had a pizza party. So I haven't gotten any sewing in at all and I can tell. But since the month is just about over in a few hours - I will have to figure out how I did with my January goals - and what my February goals will be.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Close and Far Away

These Two Quilts of Valor found their way to me this week. This first one was made by a gal in my quilt guild, and one of the binding buddies. Ethel even quilted it on her DSM - which I have to tell you is pretty impressive to me.

This Next QOV comes from my favorite sister team. Sandi in NJ and Karen in St Croix. Don't they make a good team?

I forgot my camera this week. But on Wednesday we sewed at school. We are getting so close to finishing quilts. It is cool watching them come together. The kids are getting excited too. And of course, they all want to sew *again and again* . I love it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quilters Accountability Week 4

I am getting there! - I realize I only have a few days left to reach my goals - so I hope you are sending me some good wishes!!
Welcome to Quilt of Valor's number 10, 11 and 12.
Number 10 and 11 were both made by Agnes in NJ. Through the internet I have met a wonderful lady who has helped this Quilt of Valor project in more ways that you can imagine. With Fabrics, Quilt tops, Quilts and encouragment. And then she introduced me to her sister.... and now she has introduced me to Agnes - she is their MOM! She is totally getting everyone involved around her. I LOVE it! So thank you Agnes. These tops ( well quilts now) are just wonderful!

Quilt of Valor 12 was made by Sheree of the famous Heartstring quilters. Sheree has generously made backings for many quilters out of fabrics sent to her. Well I sent her this panel - not having a clue what she could do with it, and it came back as a QOV AND it had a backing to go with it!!
My goal is 15 - so I shall get to quilting tomorrow, and ignore the world. This week has been a little busy, and one of my friends was saying how she just gets tired of going everywhere. I was agreeing and then I realized - the more time I spend away from home, the less I can get done. Which means I should buckle down right?
I have been very lucky this month to not have customer quilts. I LOVE Customer quilts - but my gift to myself was to take a month off, and just play. One to relax a little with the schedule, two to learn some new quilting techniques, and Three - a vacation. But my vacation comes to an end here shortly. Monday I must go back to the real world - so I must buckle down. And thank goodness I have a few customer quilts - no one deserted me!
Oh - and I got all my days of exercise in, and meals planned. I made this Potato Soup and I think we are in love. There was actually a fight over the leftovers!! So my advice to you -make it, and then go sew!!
Then go over to Bari' s and see how everyone else is doing on their accountability.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Pillowcases for Quilts of Valor - I LOVE them!!


This first batch of pillowcases comes from a local gal named Joan. She is pretty recently local. And I met her thru a friend in Nebraska - how is that? I just think this world of quilters is so small, but extremely nice!

And I am so glad to have another quilter near me! She even went to my (our) guild meeting with me, and came to bind Quilts of Valor on Sunday. I think I have planned her quilting career quite nicely *giggle*


This next batch of pillowcases comes from Nikki in my Heartstings group. She found some Christmas fabrics on sale and I have to tell you - I can not tell that any of it is truly Christmas fabrics. Looks more Red and Blue to me!! I think she is a good bargain hunter. She also used this crazy fabric on the right , which I totally LOVE!!!
Thanks ladies - they will go to great use!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Sunday Sunday

This was a great weekend!! I have finally finished Clue 3 of the mystery quilt, and I cut 628 pieces - none larger than 2 1/2 inches square for Clue 4... Progress!!
Today I spent time with the Binding Buddies and we bound 16 Quilts of Valor!! We also may have eaten some Dark Chocolate Peanut M&M's too - we needed the protein and the antioxidants to keep healthy you know!

We have had a visitor this week and I think he has found himself quite at home. The black one is ours - he has found a brother. The other one really belongs to my dad. They are supposed to stay in the mud room, and I even have a gate up.

This morning as I was making breakfast I felt like someone was watching me. Apparently Hagen felt that the gate was just a decoration- he walked over it and was in the kitchen....I had to 'splain where he was supposed to stay *giggle*

*Stash/Collections Acquisitions*

A lot of you guessed what I acquired when I added to my collection... and you were right - a horse. Now you have to understand why - This picture on the right shows some that I already have - you will notice they are mostly reds, with one brown in there. Well - all of you quilters know that you can NOT have too much of just one color - you need blenders and compatible colors to round out your stash right?
So because my collection was so concentrated I needed a blender or 2 ( or more but I WILL never tell)
Here is blender 1 and 2 - they are smaller horses - but just perfect for my younger kids. They can do anything and are really gentle. We had fun. (note the ears of my horse..hee hee)

This last picture is my oldest on his horse - just wanted to be fair you know - can't leave any one out.

Hope you all had a good weekend. And I'll see ya tomorrow with more goodies that arrived at my doorstep recently.....

Friday, January 22, 2010

Quilted by Pat but from a long way away

My dear friend Pat R quilted these Quilts of Valor. She did an awesome job. I was quite impressed that she even found the time to quilt them, as she has been having some serious health issues lately.
This first quilt came a long way from home to go to a Colorado soldier. It came from St. Croix - and was made by Carolyn R. Sometimes I think it would be nice to be a quilt - they have an opportunity to go to some cool places!

This next quilt didn't have as far to go - but it is just as wonderful. It was made by Laurel in Ft Collins. Funny story - she quilted with my mom's sewing group 2 years ago making some Quilts of Valor, then she stopped going. I was doing a quilt show in Loveland -promoting QOV and she stopped by the booth. She says "well a while ago I sewed with this group in the mountains. Real nice lady ran it. "( good thing she said nice) I let her know that was my mom.
So she went back home and made this top.
Thanks Pat for all your quilting! I sure appreciate it. Have a good weekend - I am going to desperately try to finish clue 3 of the carolina christmas mystery quilt....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Quilters Accountability Week 3

Meeting the January Goals progress:
I am telling you - I think this checking in thing might be working. I don't want to dissappoint Bari so it makes me get off my duff and do something!!
First off - the exercise thing is going pretty well. However my first plan was to exercise 20 mintues every week day - I am thinking I should have said 5 days in a week, as it seems I struggle on certain days - like Tuesday of this week. My littlest son was home sick for the second day and he really needed snuggling - so I missed yesterday. But from Wed to Wed I still got 6 days in. I'll have to keep evaluating before I make my February Goals.
Meal planning is going well - so far no one has starved!
Piecing Carolina Christmas Mystery Quilt - I am STILL on Clue 3.
Alright - now the fun stuff... Quilting Quilts of Valor. I want to quilt 15 this month. This last week I quilted #5,6,7, 8 and 9....Loooove it!
Here are pictures to prove it ( cuz you live for the pictures right?)
Number 5 was pieced by Barb J of the Livermore Quilters. The pattern is called Valor and can be found on the QOVF website

Number 6 was pieced by Mrs D - one of the 5th grade teachers.
It is a really pretty quilt. And I tried some funky type leaves in the blocks. I liked it.


Number 7 was made by Barb J of the Livermore Quilters . She stayed out of trouble - and pieced quilts!!!




Number 8 was made by Candy in NY. I am embarrased to say that she sent this to me in April 09 to be quilted. But I have decided there is only so much time in the day - and I am doing my best. The good thing is - I have soldiers who NEED it!



And Number 9 - Last for this week but defineatly not the least - is a Heartstrings quilt. It was put together by Sue, the backing made by Sheree - and Now it is ready to be bound!

My Binding buddies will be so busy this month.

Thanks all of you who made these quilt tops - they are wonderful!!
Lots of you want pictures of my new collectors piece - so maybe this weekend I will show you what I collected.
If you want to see what everyone else is up to for Quilters Accountability - head over to:
Have a great one!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jane's Quilt

Way back when..... okay not really, just a little bit ago, we had a mystery sew along. The mystery sew along was a lot of fun, and it turned out to be a quilt pattern designed by Bonnie Hunter - the Chunky Churndash.
Jane( In MN) worked along with the pattern and this is the quilt she made. I LOVE it!!! She sent it out to Marlene D to Machine quilt it. They make a wonderful pair!
Thank you!! This is a great Quilt of Valor!!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Rebecca ( from Maine) in my Heartstrings Group has been busy busy busy!! This month is Pillowcase project month. And I so appreciate that pillowcases that come this way. They will be used to put Quilts of Valor in, and given to the soldiers.
I love these colors Rebecca- All 15 of them!!! - they are wonderful pillowcases! Thank you SO much.
Also - if you are looking for some fabrics - head on over to Knots and Bolts
She is having a huge clearance sale. You never know what you might need!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Quilt of Valor Presentation

Yesterday was an awesome day! It was a day to be remembered! One of the people that I work with getting these Quilts of Valor to Soldiers and Vets was going to be near our area. I hoped that she would be able to come and talk to the students (in our 5th grade) about how she sees Quilts of Valor, and there importance in what she does.
She did even better than just talking to us, she brought us two Veterans. One was Army, and one a Marine. One served one tour, the other 2 tours. They were able to answer some questions and tell us about there military careers, their experiences, and what they learned in the military.
One of the biggest things they stressed was that they learned was to respect everyone. Each person may wear different clothes, have a different background, look different than you, but they still deserve respect. What an important concept to learn, and to have these 2 vets tell the 5th graders that - well wow!
These two vets were very personable, and as they got more comfortable around the kids, shared quite a bit of what it is like to go to a foreign country as a young person. Both of them had enlisted when they were 18 or 19. The gentleman vet said that he entered a boy, and learned to be a man.
5 of the students put together a wonderful presentation, and stood up there in the front to present the quilts. Most of the vets that I have encountered get a little embarrased being the center of attention - and these 2 were no different. But they did get choked up.
The Gentleman said that to be remembered, to be thanked, means more to him than you can imagine. To know that he is not forgotten is priceless. ( that made me cry)
As I walked them out to the car they both said this was the best experience for them, a great part of recovery - and then this morning I recieved this email:
I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you for the quilt and booklet of thank you's from the students. It really means the world to me that we are still in peoples hearts and prayers..........This was an awesome experience, not only for the kids, but for me as well. Talking about what I did, and educating people on the ups and downs of war helps me just as much as it does them.
So, Thank you so much for the opportunity to talk to everyone, and I am grateful for the quilt that I will forever hold dear to my heart.

I hope you all feel as if you were there. I know my pictures are not perfect, but I kind of forgot that I was supposed to be doing that..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Quilters Accountability Report

Ackkk Its Wednesday... how did that happen?
So the recap - Januarys Goals:
1. Quilt 15 Quilts of Valor. This may be a little tougher than I first imagined - but the month still has time in it. Here are Two that I quilted this week. Both of them are Chunky Churndashes - from the Quilt of Valor Sew Along that we had this September.
Sew Along Posts
The Top one is made by my Mom, and I quilted it with an "Echoed Spine" pattern that I found in Suzanne Earleys Meandering Magic book I liked it, and it wasn't too extremely difficult.

The next one was made by Me - and I let the kids at schoolpick out a quilting pattern. They chose Double Hearts and Loops Panto.
It turned out very nice. They chose well.

#2 was to piece Bonnies mystery - I am still working on Clue 3. Oh well, I had hoped to move on, but I have about 1/3 left of the clue to do. I may have to give up sleep!
#3 Weekly Menus - oh baby yah! And it certainly helps when your mom calls and says I will make dinner for Saturday .... yep! I am liking this. I have food, I know what to cook - no one is starving yet.

#4 Exercise 20 minutes every work day.
Done. Thur:Yoga, Fri: Jillians 30 day shred level 2, Mon: Wii Fit, tues Jillian Level 1, Wed: Wii Fit ... and about the starving comment - no one else besides me is starving. How come when you exercise you get hungry???

I hope you all had a good week - and you can see more posts over at Bari's Blog

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Collections and Stash Acquistions

First off - I am feeling better about my lack of blog posting last week. I asked my husband what happened... and he reminded me of how I spent my time. Thursday I got to quilt and get groceries. That is a monumental task sometimes!
But Friday - Friday makes me feel really good. Our tank heaters in the water tanks had froze up in the extreme cold, and one water spout had froze. So I spent the better part of the morning chopping ice, and heating up the water spout so I could fill the tanks. Then I had bought myself a present, and I had to set that up. I didn't take a picture because althought the present was exciting to me and Smokey it probably wouldn't be so exciting to have a picture taken.... what was is you ask? A heated water bucket for my dog! And that led me to 3pm which led to kids, drum lessons, dinner and swim practice, 2nd dinner ( for the boys) and bed!

So now that I feel justified - are you still reading?
Yesterday I acquired some more items for one of my collections. And it got me to thinking about stash, acquiring stash, collections and acquiring items. Do you think that it is genetic? Or do you think that it is learned? My Mom was telling the boys about my ability to make collections out of completely useless things when I was a kid - and I notice my boys can do that too.
But I have continued collecting. I had a collection of Quilt magazines that I have recently started to share.. ( read give away) Fabric has been my collections of choice lately. But I do have a third collection much to Wrangler Mans dismay ( tee hee)
So my questions - do you have other collection besides a main one? Are they hobbys? Or work related? What is it that makes you go - I want that! And If you can guess what I acquired for the collection in question... I will send you a really cool little Quilt of Valor pin that we had made up. Just make sure I have a way to contact you.
And the pictures - these are Chubby Puppy at 5 weeks. I think she grew out of her chub, she sure got tall and is a little wild woman!
Off to work....

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Quilt from Linda and Connie

This beautiful Quilt of Valor was sewn by Linda in Loveland. I met Linda at a quilt show at "The Ranch" back in august, and she went home and got started on a gazillion pillowcases.
And then this beautiful quilt came in the mail. It was Quilted by Connie in Longmont.
Thanks Ladies - It is gorgoeus!
Did you know that time goes way to fast these days? I swear I have blogged some interesting stuff since Wednesday, but apparently nothing interesting is really going on( or maybe it was just the stories in my head?) ....
We had a swim meet this weekend in Fort Collins. Thats about 1 hour 10 minutes away. So we had to get up really early Saturday and get over there. All 3 swam Saturday, only 2 swam Sunday. My oldest LOVES the distance events.... and those are always at the end of the day. So we shut the swim meet down. But he did awesome - he took time off like he was on fire. I loved it - I exercised vicariously thru them!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Quilters Accountability

Bari - over at is doing a Quilters Accountability for 2010. I did not have UFO's and the end of 2008, umm, I do now.... But we will not talk numbers, just suffice it to say when I thought about counting and organizing them, Wrangler Man retreated to the Garage.... his man cave!
So I thought I would participate in QA in my own way, with Monthly goals.

My January Goals are to quilt 15 Quilts of Valor. This Lone Star is QOV #1. It was made by Donna in Golden and it was just lovely to begin with. I had fun quilting it. I decided to do some swirly feathers with RWB thread in the Star, and Black in the black.
Here is the back. I was a little worried using Black thread on a Light Background - but I think it worked ok.
I have a second QOV project going on. If you remember last year we were invited to give out some quilts to the Returning WWII vets on the Honor Flight. The vets were so enthused by these quilts that we have been asked to do it again. I need 50 quilts by April 20th - so this will be a WWII QOV. Wish me luck!
The Second Quilt of Valor was pieced by Sheree in Heartstrings. I sent the dog panels to Sheree to be used, I just didn't know she would come up with this Wonderful Top. I Love it - Little bit, who wants 14 million puppies is really in love with it.


Goal #2: Piece Bonnie's Carolina Christmas Mystery. ( simple enough right?)
I have finished Clue Two, and am halfway thru with clue 3. I have run out of the Black on white background, but I know I have more in my stash - I am kind of afraid to go look at my stash... but I will!

The By Product of Clue 3 is a lot of tiny 1/2 square triangles. I have had one suggestion to make pinwheels out of them for a border... any other ideas.. I think there is a million....
Goal #3 Plan a Weekly Menu -
This week - so far so good, I have had everything on hand due to our shopping trip, and although tomorrow is grocery day, I have enough food for another nights meal if it continues to blizzard like it is....
Goal #4 - Exercise 20 minutes every weekday.
Yep - I have done it every day - even Saturday and Sunday... I am nuts!
I have Biked, Done Wii Fitness and started Jillians 30 day Shred ( ugh)

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A Quilt from Amy

Amy - The totally energetic Quilter over at
made this Quilt of Valor for our soldiers. She even quilted it on her sewing machine - it is LOVELY!!
Thank you SO much Amy - You did an awesome job!. I have no idea how you get so much done!
Confession time - I am watching the Biggest Loser as I am doing this blog post - I have no idea why, but I am totally addicted to this show. My kids want Jillian and Bob to come be our personal trainers. Not to lose weight (well I could lose a few pounds) but to get tough. We think it would be cool, but in reality it would probably be grueling and I would cry.
Especially since I can still tell you what muscles were worked during yesterdays ice skating session. I am focusing on the fun.
Okay - off to stretch - Wrangler Man says he will be our personal trainer.....acckkkk save me....

Monday, January 04, 2010

Quilts from Ros

I am back on track - sort of! The kids are still home, lucky ducks don't have to go back till Wednesday. We did try to do the schedule thing sort of, but then we decided to go ice Skating. Good call - we were the only ones in the rink for almost an hour! For me, that was perfect - thats about how long it took me to get the hang of skating with out holding on to the wall. Tonite - I can tell you where my muscles are !!!

Let me tell you about these three beautiful Quilts of Valor that I recieved. Ros at quilted these three beauties.
The first one - the string quilt was pieced by Nancy. I really like this quilt. She had made a few others to with the light colored string, and now I think one like this needs to go on my list to make.

This next quilt was pieced by Elizabeth B. Isn't that a neat pattern? The colors are just perfect for that design!
And the last quilt was pieced by Oralee, and 85 year old friend of Ros's. This one is one of my favorites. I think that block can be
found at Quilters Cache - but I can't remember for sure.
Ladies - thank you SO much for your hard work!! These are beautiful quilts.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Reflections and Resolutions

In January 2009 I actually wrote down my New Years Resolutions on my blog, and you know I had to make sure some of them were easy - so I had a chance of success. Now looking back I realize I didn't do to bad.


(resolution 5)I learned to cook a lot of things with out wheat, barley, or rye. One of the resolutions was to learn to cook according to my allergies. And after only a few bricks of what was supposed to bread, I managed to learn to cook an edible bread. And then I got brave and learned to make an edible pizza crust. And to top of the accomplishments - I made a gluten free pie crust that was actually yummy! Now if I could just figure out noodles....


(resolution 1) Quilts of Valor was an amazing experience. I have to thank EVERYONE who helped make this possible. A LOT of love was shared. I am defineatly continuing this. I have meet both wonderful quilters, and wonderful reciepients. I have made some of the best friends ever thru this project... and some of them might even come to visit me this summer!
All in all I think the Year of Me (2009) was pretty successful. I started a few projects though, that I did not finish - so they will be UFO's this year.


**********2010 Resolutions************************

I have been reading this book called "organization solutions for add people" or something of the sort. Now I do not have ADD - but there are some pretty good tips in there. And a lot of the behaviors do describe me. So I decided that instead of a whole years worth of resolutions that maybe I would break it down into goals for each month.

So - here are January's goals. And I am hoping that writing them down will motivate me to keep up. I have a tendency to procrastinate certain things.....
*Quilt 15 Quilt of Valor Quilt tops.

*Finish Pieceing the Carolina Christmas Mystery Quilt top.

*Plan a menu each week, and stick with it. I am trying really hard to utilize my crockpot as we have swim practice 4 nights a week, basketball 2 nights per week and one weekend day, and swim meets one weekend per month. ( Oh there is 4-H, quilt guild, and Drum lessons thrown in too)

*Exercise 20 minutes each week day. (Wish me luck, thats the thing I procrastinate the absolute most!! I really should be exercising 30 minutes, but thought if I tricked myself into 20 minutes...I could convince myself to go 10 more minutes)

I hope you all the best for January too!