
Monday, January 04, 2010

Quilts from Ros

I am back on track - sort of! The kids are still home, lucky ducks don't have to go back till Wednesday. We did try to do the schedule thing sort of, but then we decided to go ice Skating. Good call - we were the only ones in the rink for almost an hour! For me, that was perfect - thats about how long it took me to get the hang of skating with out holding on to the wall. Tonite - I can tell you where my muscles are !!!

Let me tell you about these three beautiful Quilts of Valor that I recieved. Ros at quilted these three beauties.
The first one - the string quilt was pieced by Nancy. I really like this quilt. She had made a few others to with the light colored string, and now I think one like this needs to go on my list to make.

This next quilt was pieced by Elizabeth B. Isn't that a neat pattern? The colors are just perfect for that design!
And the last quilt was pieced by Oralee, and 85 year old friend of Ros's. This one is one of my favorites. I think that block can be
found at Quilters Cache - but I can't remember for sure.
Ladies - thank you SO much for your hard work!! These are beautiful quilts.


  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Oh how fun was that! Are your muscles talking to you today? Mine sure would be! LOL

    We have been playing out in the snow in the afternoons. Temp was below zero this AM, so we will wait a little for it to warm up!

    Those quilts are beautiful! Isn't Ros wonderful? She does beautiful work and is so prolific also!


  2. Such gorgeous quilts!

    My back is still swearing at me for the marathon shoveling session almost 3 weeks ago. I'd hate to hear the rest of my body should I venture onto thin blades!


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