
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Quilts of Valor

Both of these Quilts of Valor were quilted by Linda in Colorado. I met her thru QOV and then found out she didn't live to far from me. So of course, I begged, pleaded and cryed ( just kidding) and she has been Longarming lots of Quilts of Valor. She didn't need any begging - I was just teasing you.
This top quilt was made by the Miracles group in Denver. The second quilt - I am embarrassed to admit - I can't remember who sent it in. I always pin notes to the tops and I think I had some help that day.... so the pin must not have got in. So if you made this quilt - please email me and tell me so I can get the label correct.

It's kind of cool to see the quilt pile growing again. I wonder what I ever did with that space?
On another note - I am learning to react better in a panic! We had a parent meeting last night for swim team, and 2 of my kids finished practice while we were in the meeting. So they were fed snacks. My middle child comes in and says C had a nut. Here's where I am proud - not only did I take off running.... I remembered my purse - with the Benadryl and Epi Pens.... Plus I didn't slam any doors, trip over anyone, or really even interrupt the meeting... I got out and ran like the wind to the pool. Stuck a benadryl tab on his tongue immediately, flushed his mouth out and voila - no epi pen needed.
Then I sat back and thought - Wow - I should have considered being and ER doc... and then I remembered that they might have to see blood... and then I remembered why I like quilting so much...... well... the no blood thing and the hours are better!
Hope you all have a good one!

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