
Friday, October 09, 2009

Far Reaching Effects

I was invited to a retirement party of a Chaplain ( and a Col. as well). I decided that I would defineatly go, but then the uncertainity came in. Every time I have been on post I have had quilts in my hand. In the rest of my life I am WM's wife, the kids' mom, the sister of G, the daughter of the R's , D-I-L of the C's and so on. So as the time came near to go to the party I got nervous.... so I made my Dad go with me. Good plan huh? That way if no one recognized me.... I had someone to make me look like I wasn't a nobody!!
We were seated at a table with a lady who worked in Bereavement, 2 guys who worked on the behaviorial floors, and a few others. As soon as they all found out I was "the quilt lady" a few stories were leaked out. And they were good ones. The really cool thing is that these are kind of the "behind the scenes" stories that you normally wouldn't hear because they happen after the fact. And because many of the quilts get given out during the year, you never see who gets them. Which of course, is part of the plan, but a greater gift yet to hear the Effect of the Quilts.
The lady said - "I need to tell you about a phone call I got. A Mother called me in tears trying to thank us for the Quilt of Valor that her son had recieved. The mother got a call from her son, he told her that of all of his belongings he was only concerned that the quilt get to her. He told her he was sitting wrapped up in it, and when he ended his life he wanted to make sure that she got that. The mother was able to call and get some people in there to her son, and catch the next flight to be with him. Thus saving his life."
Well I'll tell ya - My Dad and I were a little speechless..............


  1. Oh wow, what a story! Little thins do make a big difference!

  2. Speechless and in tears here in Iowa.

  3. Through the QOV, God's arms are reaching out in a tangible way. May He continue to bless all who work on this project.

  4. Quilttiger2:40 PM

    Thank you for sharing this is a heartfelt reminder that a handmade quilt can mean so much to someone who is hurting in one way or other.

  5. Denise V3:51 PM

    Oh.My.Gosh!!! Amazing. Thoughts and prayers for the soldier that he continues to heal, both physically AND emotionally. It is even more heartbreaking to me to think about how his injuries and depression are a result of his service to all of us.

    And this is just one of many, many, many soldiers who have made sacrifices in their lives to ensure our happiness here at home. God bless them all.

  6. That gave me goosebumps and tears all at once. It's nice to know that what we do for them matters just as much as what they do/did for us.

  7. Jill Kerekes5:49 AM

    Thank you for sharing that heart wrenching story. As we walk through our lives, we are sometimes oblivious of the effect that our behavior, actions, or spoken words can have on the lives of others.

    Thank you, Alycia, for what you do(in addition to all the other things you do on this earth!) for this cause and for the men and women serving our country. You are a beautiful example of selflessness. Also know that by communicating your experiences back to us through your blog--you are connecting us to those we are trying to comfort. You present a pathway that confirms the effort that is made--please know that it is greatly appreciated!

    God Bless You!

  8. Wow, talk about powerful.


  9. Alycia, you are certainly NOT a nobody. Thank you for sharing this story.

  10. that is quite a story. it gave me chills.

  11. Anonymous11:00 PM

    The power of the touch of our quilty hugs is overwhelming to those who receive them and those who take part in creating them. Thanks so much for sharing the tears & the joy of this gift.

    Oh Alycia you are NOT a "nobody." You are an angel!

  12. What a story, Alycia. You just never know what kind of an effect the things you do will have down the road. Wow.


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