
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

From Becky in MO.

Becky is in my Heartstrings Group. A little bit ago the project of the month was to make RWB coin sets and send them to her to put into quilts. Three of them have the coins incorporated into them! Aren't they wonderful?
The other is a Dissappearing 9 Patch. They are all quilted and bound and have a pillowcase!
You can read all about Becky here:
We got a little dusting of snow last nite. The boys were really wishing for 6 feet. Oh well. And today was the written spelling bee test. The top 20 kids go on to the oral round. I helped correct the tests. Good thing I had a cheat sheet. That is the only way I could get 100%!! I think both of my older boys made it, but we will find out for sure tonite.
Alright - back to quilting.... and making some brownies! We have been reading about all of the holiday treats you all like - and I amy be emailing for some recipes - they sound wonderful. Or maybe we shall take a road trip and sample them! That sounds better!
Hope you are enjoying your day!


  1. You are welcome here anytime. If you've never been to the Pacific Northwest you are truly missing some beautiful country!

  2. them are pretty quilts, if ya wanna try something reall good, come to Johnsons Corner, they have world famous cinnamon rolls.the flavor this month is cherry walnut with cream cheese icing.. YUM YUM..have a great day

  3. Great quilts! I found a quilter in CO for my donation quilt so will let you know when it is on it's way!

  4. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I LOVE that disappearing 9-patch!!! I also really like Jessie's log cabin (12/07) and the red/white/blue stripes from Arizona (12/05).

    It is so fun to see all the beautiful creations everyone is submitting.


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