
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

From Alberta in IL

Before I can show you these beautiful quilts - I must lament my early day. My littlest son tells me he has no sweatshirts left to wear. And I wonder about this - because as the littlest he gets ALL the hand-me-downs, plus he loves superheros - so he kind of , sort of has a lot of those sweat shirts too. So I wonder where can all of these be? I just did his laundry. Oh well - on to breakfast, we will find something.
As we are loading up for school I notice his backpack seems to be rather big, and bulky, and stuffed looking. So I ask - whats in your backpack? Oh a sweatshirt.... and he proceeds to pull out 7 - seven?? Oh vey - Now they are in the washer - and he will be able to stay warm.... goof ball!
Next - this morning is my horse shoer/trimmer morning. He and I have a standing date - about once a month. Yet usually when he comes, it is always bad weather - I just don't understand!! But today - it was just cold - like 14deg.... but I endured. Now my horses must love me - they had their pedicures for the winter!!
Okay - now to the good part! Look at these beauties!! Both of these are from Alberta in Illinois. Beautifully done, and quilted. Thank you so much Alberta!
I am really liking this red/cream one. It looks time consuming - but I really like the design my eye sees!
Hope you all have a good one!
Don't forget to enter in the giveaway. I am getting lots of good ideas for cooking this weekend.

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