
Friday, November 21, 2008

Finished QOV's

These two quilts were Quilted by Laura H in Indiana. I tried to take close ups of the quilting, she did a great job. These two are now bound and ready to go. They were two on the to be quilted list. The top one was made by a Livermore Quilter, the bottom one was made by Wendy in Co Spgs.
Thank you Laura!!

This other picture is the sun setting from my deck. I got chores all done, and thought it sure looked pretty.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Gorgeous sunset!

    The quilts are so pretty--they just keep coming!

  2. Anonymous5:18 PM

    You are very welcome! We can never do enough for our service people and I considered it an honor to complete the quilting on these. Laura H


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