
Thursday, November 20, 2008

A binding/quilting party

It started out as being billed "QOV Sew Evening" but I really think I meant party! My guild - the Pieceable Friends Quilt Guild - is a very supportive guild. They have been helping make quilts, putting together blocks for my kiddos to sew, and BINDING quilts for this project.


On the Pool table - there were Piles of quilts to be bound. Okay - maybe not Piles - but at least like 7, I think? There was a bucket of strings and foundations for the sewing. And there were blocks of the Not So Top Secret Project just waiting to be put into a top.


In the kitchen, there were Cookies, Brownies, Cinnamon Rolls, a Fruit Tray, and Vege Tray, Breads, and Lasagna to eat. Notice - I listed the important nourishment first!

Bindings got done, Tops got put together, and food was eaten. There are still borders to put on the tops, and still more quilting to do - but it was a great evening. Thank you ladies for coming, and for doing all this work for our project!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great group of ladies!

    The eats sound good too!


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