
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Quilts of Valor progress

Patty M sent me a quilt top that she had made that would make a perfect Quilt Of Valor. So I got it quilted....I had plans to get it done yesterday but a storm moved in and I was sort of afraid to turn my Long Arm on - we had power outages. So I finished it this morning - after spending the early morning with the horse shoer - boy that makes me wish for spring!!

I used my version of the Flurry of Angels from Jamie Wallen. I took his class at MQX last March and I just loved his style.

I have 4 more Quilts of Valor here to quilt that I have made, and then will start on the finished ones from our 5th grade class. They are picking quilting patterns this Friday. I am busily making backs for them.

This morning the Chaplain from the Fort called me. They have a new unit there called Warriors in Transition for the men and women that are rehabbing from both physical and emotional wounds. He was wondering if we would want to present our Quilts of Valor to some soldiers from that unit. ( OF COURSE) But I was thinking WOW - I would love to take one for every one in the unit, so I asked how many people were in the unit - maybe I could get enough quilts for all of them. He said 400 people..... Okay I can't get that many made between now and May..Bummer. We will have approximatley 20 quilts though. So that is a dent.

So if any of you are reading this and have ever been tempted to make a Quilt of Valor, have one in progress, or just needs quilting.... maybe this will motivate you to get it completly ready to deliver. I would love to take more quilts that what we have made to the Fort - and would be glad to deliver yours ( yes this is a shameless plug!!) You should also check out Http:// and you can request a Longarmer there - or request a destination. I know that soldiers all over the country would appreciate a hug from us!!

Okay - back to work!

  1. Gratitudes for Today.
  2. 1. I am back inside - the wind is picking up again.
  3. 2. Finished one QOV
  4. 3. No activities tonite - just a home nite for the whole family


  1. your work looks really nice. I think it is great what you are doing?

  2. It looks wonderful Alycia, nice job on the feathers.

  3. I have a completed quilt already quilted and bound. Email me?

  4. That quilt is beautiful. I hope you get lots of donations!

  5. Your feathers are great. And helping the horseshoer is an awful job--but not quite as bad as being the horseshoer!! (Well, he gets paid to do it!) Good luck with your project--sounds like a worthy one.

  6. Anonymous9:26 PM

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  7. Alicia, I have a QOV on the frame..and have another top (from the Bargello Bowl) that will be one too. You are MORE than welcome to BOTH of them. They will be completed. I love your quilting! After watching the Pajama Quilter, I have FINALLY gotten brave and my quilting is showing improvement!

  8. Alycia,
    I love the quilt, its gorgeous! I can hardly wait to see what you send me for the QOV booth at MQX for display!!!

  9. I have at least 2 I can send, both have pillowcases and are ready to go that I'd be happy to send. You did say men AND women, right? Becasue at least one of the 2 is quite girly. I need to check if I have any others that I could send as well.

  10. It's beautiful. Is the full quilt posted somewhere? I'd love to see the whole quilt. Wonderful quilting.


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