
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy Boys

So my littlest guy got the superhero quilt and my middle son was quite upset with me! He informed me that he was NOT to old for superheros and Batman was his favorite character - and so were transformers.... well lucky me - On my last trip I had found some transformer fabric - and of course bought a yard, thinking I would do something with it!

Now Middle son presented me with the perfect opportunity. I made him a Transformers pillowcase - and all is happy with his world. Well it was happy - he told me that his birthday is coming up...... ( its in July - he is a little ahead of himself!)

And the other happy - my oldest son competed in the District Spelling Bee and placed in the top 5 so he advances to the State Competition. He is extremely happy, and I am extremely glad that I have cheat sheets to help him study!!

I used 8 yards of fabrics this week for backings of Quilt of Valors - One quilt is on my Longarm, the other I being prepped to go on for Tuesday!! This makes me feel better about my stash acquistion last week ;-)

Have a happy week!!


  1. Adorable picture of the kids with their goodies! You're such a good mom!

  2. Congratulations on your stashbusting efforts this week!

  3. It's a difficult task to keep everyone happy, eh?? Looks like you have accomplished that by the look of the big smiles!

  4. Looks like you're good at keeping the home bodies happy--see those smiles??!!


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