
Wednesday, September 04, 2024

A new block to use up my 5 inch squares

I had sorta, kinda, maybe , thought that doing my Lightning Streak quilts for 2024 RSC would help clean up my 5 inch square bin. But! I am also sabotaging that progress by cutting more squares from my scraps.

I started looking for another fast and quick little block that I could use as a Leader/Ender - and use my 5 inch squares. I found the Diamond Chain block on MSQC. I know I have made this before, but! In my search - that is one that appealed to me.

I started playing with my pieces and then I started reading blogs. ( remember I told you I was a little behind?)  

So I was Reading "Quilting is more Fun than Housework" - and she is starting another compassion quilt block drive - and GUESS WHAT?  Its ALMOST the same block! And I know HOW TO DO IT!!!

She's calling it a Jewel Box Block

Stolen from Cynthias page so you will make some for her

Isn't that a cool colorway/design? Love the use of the Black and white - so I will dig around in my squares to make a few for her. I think she said they are making quilts for teens - so bright colors! ✔

but then!!! you have to go to Nanns With Strings Attached and see her Buckeye Beauty - another way to show off this block.!

its TOO much fun to see that there are so many ways to do this one!! I LOVE it!! 

Oh!!! and would you like to see my Baby Reno? He is 3 1/2 months old now and I still love him.

He says - Good Morning!!!  His mane - it just CRACKS me up!!!

and here is is with momma - eating and goofing around!


  1. I like your pretty colors, this will be a gorgeous quilt.

  2. The 'Buckeye Block' is a good quick ''go to'' for scraps and creates a great quilt. The block has a variety of names. When I first saw your blocks, I said, they looked just like the ones that I am doing ''Quilting is more fun than Housework''. I always enjoy reading what you share on your blog. Thanks for inspiration.
    Sunshine and Smiles, Donna

  3. What pretty blocks! It's always dangerous for me to look at your blog - you are always doing blocks I want to make! Yesterday I started playing with a block you showed on your blog on March 6, 2023! Sheesh Alycia - you are one of my worst squirrel inducers - LOL!
    Baby Reno is so adorable!

  4. Reno is such a character! And I agree about your squirrel inspiring ideas!

  5. Baby Reno is very cute. That crazy mane gives him such personality. I love your new block plans - and I just might have to give those a try too since I've been clearing up other blocks sets lately.

  6. Those new blocks are looking great with your scraps! And isn't that always the way -- the more you try to use up scraps, the more scraps you inadvertently create! :-)

  7. MSQC has a great technique for this pattern! I like where your project is going! Reno is as handsome as ever!

  8. Those are great blocks! I love the design they're making. It's so interesting how you can just change the orientation of the HSTs and get a completely different design, like in Cynthia's blocks. Little Reno is adorable!

  9. I like the new blocks you are making! Reno is a beauty!

  10. Both your version and Cynthia's are great for using up odd and ends. I've used up some 4.5" strips and some left over yardage from a couple of quilts.

  11. Both blocks are great and you are so good at using up your scraps. I only aspire to it...and usually pass them on as I get overwhelmed by them. Love that baby, Reno, so beautiful.


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