
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Veterans and Fabric

 I was invited back to on of my most favorite Veterans Groups - the Vietnam Vets of America. There are lots of those groups - but this particular group has stolen my heart.... they are just the sweetest nicest people!!

We awarded 15 Quilts - bringing us up to 113 Quilts awarded for this group over the past 4 years!

All men and One Woman! The Woman was a Naval Officer / Nurse on the floating Hospital Ship - she told me the name and I can NOT remember it. There were 400 officers and crew and over 1500 patients on the ship. She was so amazing.

There were a few tears and a lot of smiles - it was a great day!!!

There is also a Quilt Shop Hop going on here in Colorado -( maybe just the northern part?) I always want to participate - but for some reason in the summer, there are just not enough hours in the day... but I decided to do the shop hop my way!

I was in the Centennial area - so I stopped at Hollys Quilt Cabin. I made myself take a beat, take a breath and just wander thru  with no goal or time limit. That was really fun!!!

These are my favorite fabrics I found:

Oh yes - those are dinosaur and fossil fabrics!!! If you remember ( which I mean, don't you remember EVERYTHING I say 🤣🤣)   my youngest is an Archeologist - and of course, loves dinosaurs - so they had to come home with me!!!!

While I was browsing the fabrics a little girl came in with her mom and said *Mom - that lady is looking at dinosaurs* and the two of us had such a fun little conversation. She ended up with a fabric to make a pillowcase!! Love it!!!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Looks like a very happy group with their new QOVs. So glad you took some time to just wander the quilt shop. I didn't know that Little Bit was an archeologist, how fun. The dinasour fabrics are perfect.

  2. Awesome experience - giving out QOV is such a rewarding thing for the "givers" as well as the receivers. Holly's Quilt Cabin was a shop I visited while in Colorado in 2022 for our nephew's wedding. Awesome shop and not too far from where the rehearsal supper was so I had no trouble finding it again the next day!

  3. The QOV presentation is always a wonderful event. I'm glad you enjoyed a bit of time in a quilt shop!

  4. The awards ceremony looks fantastic as always, and of course you had to bring home the dinosaur and fossil fabric. :)

  5. What a great day when one can share a quilt. Even more special if there are many quilts to be shared.

    I see that quite a few folks are wearing yellow. Was that for remembrance?

    Is there a dinosaur quilt in your future? I've always wanted to attend a shop hop also. But alas, the cabinets are full. There's plenty of work waiting for me when I can partially retire. There are quite a few things waiting for you too. Hope to work on all of that soon. Will keep you posted.

    San / Murphy, NC

  6. Sounds like a happy little trip - to your Vietnam Vets and to the fun quilt store! Love the convo with the little girl and her enthusiasm for a dino pilowcase!

  7. That's an amazing number of quilts to have donated. Kudos to the group. So fun that you had a fun dinosaur conversation.

  8. What a dear bunch of folks with quilts on their shoulders. I'd be dissolved in tears. How do the vets get chosen for a quilt? Love that little girl's comments! :D

  9. Hanging around veterans and hearing their stories is something; but, watching them interact with each other. . .now that is a whole different "thing." You have to see it happen! I'd say that was the perfect shop hop stop your way! How wonderful to have so many choices of dinosaur and fossil fabrics!


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