
Thursday, June 06, 2024

Reno ( the Horse, not the city)

 While we were gone I was hoping that one of my Mares had not had her baby. I really wanted to be there. My Amazing Sister in law and brother in law babysat her for us while we were gone - so that just in case.... there was someone with her.  

and!! We got back to a still pregnant mare, but the next day!!

There he was!!!! Our New Baby!!!! He's just so tiny and adorable, and huge - and HOW!!! did he fit in that mares belly???

Remember that I told you I took a little class on lighting for photography? I went out and practiced on baby Reno.

Baby Renos Mommy is a super skittish one, Even after all these years she does not like to be caught, she does not like strange noises, and now she is super mommy - and even more protective.

My camera makes noises - I aimed to shoot , and it went click click - and Mommy took off running like I had shot at her with a paintball gun or something.... 

So we got them back in the corral, bribed Mom and got the halter on, and tried again. I introduced her to the camera first, then stood farther back. 

I don't think she is a fan of it yet  - but she let me get close to her baby with it.

This is Him at one week old - he is SO adorable.! We work with him 3 times a day - we have him haltering, and turning his head to pressure. Yesterday I got him to walk with me all thru the corral without pulling back. I have even tied him to the hitching post for 20 seconds and he just stood there. 

(Typically horses pull back from pressure until they know they won't get hurt)

I think he might like me ;-)


  1. He’s adorable! All legs

  2. How very sweet. Glad mom and he waited until you got home for his birth. I think you are going to enjoy him.

  3. So cute! You got some great photos. I really like the third one, it has a very dreamy quality to it.

  4. Reno is huge! He is also adorable! He trusts you already. I hope he remains curious rather than traveling to the skittish side. His mama is gorgeous.

  5. Congratulations!! Do you name your horses? If so, what are their names?

  6. Awww! So sweet! He's such a pretty color, too. Interesting to read about how you're working with him already. I'll look forward to the updates!

  7. Congratulations on that beautiful new baby. So cute!!

  8. I am glad you were there for the birth and that the little one is attaching to you too!

  9. How exciting!!!! He is a beauty! Good job on the photos!! I can just imagine how soft his nose is.....

  10. He is SUPER cute and so glad you guys got to be there for his birthday!!

  11. What a cutie! I'm in love. :D Your photos are fantastic. How fun to train the little guy. I look forward to seeing more about Reno!


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