
Friday, June 21, 2024

A Scrappy QOV and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Happy Friday!!!

Since my Dog is still in recovery I made sure I didn't have anything scheduled this week .. except my Guild meeting ( K could babysit) and Grain runs,.. and you know what? I LIKED it!!! I got so much more done, and I got stitching time in, I made meals in the insta-pot, didn't venture as far as making cookies... but we had food!!! ( ps - I was reminded I did have a QOV presenatation in there too)

I have decided that Recovery will last until October.... yep!!! I can't go anywhere!! haha!!

I used to cook out at a Ranch ( 30 people - 2 times a day!!) One of the Chefs that I worked with has a sister that quilts. So of course, we talked about QOV and Susan decided to jump in and make some tops.

They called and came over and I think she gave me 12 tops!! and they were all beautiful!! So I got this one out and prepped it to quilt!!

I used the panto Sparklers from Dawnas Design Threads - I think it is perfect for this one!!

I stole this next image from Julie! I even printed it and put in on the fridge. Our Ranch is not huge, but summers are SO busy - and we have  horses that we train and horses we compete on, and K plants a huge garden and.... all the boys have left us ( I am not sure I gave permission)  We needed a reminder... its all good, and we love it, so focus and enjoy!!

Its Friday - Its time to Brag - how did you week go? Did you get anything moved a little farther ahead?
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  1. That is a beautiful quilt. Your quilting looks great on it. I used to love cooking for a crowd so much that I started my own catering business - best job ever. I think I'm losing my touch now though - not enough practice!

  2. A good reminder, I tend to take on all the things at once, forgetting I only have 2 hands and do many hours in a day! Wonderful quilt!

  3. What a cool finish! Susan made a terrific top and you finished it off with just the right quilting design! I'm glad you made so much progress while you were on dog watch.

  4. One thing at a time is a really, really good motto. Glad you were able to *mostly* be home with your pup during recovery and that it was a good week. It sure sounds like you are going to be busy quilting some QOV quilts for the next little bit.

  5. Ha! Your proposed recovery-time calendar sounds fine to me!
    Loving the QOV! Stars and stripes with a great layout <3

  6. You do QOV proud. Sparklers is a perfect quilting motif for QOV and this time of year.

  7. Glad you love that graphic - I do, too!

  8. I totally agree! I had been doing so much running around, I was hardly home. I am trying to limit my "off island" or errand days to one a week instead of multiple, which was what I was doing. Love the finish, and I have that panto and have not used, call me inspired.

  9. Love that scrappy design. I might have to "steal" it and make one of my own to donate.

  10. That's a very cool quilt!

  11. Lovely quilt. Quite a stash buster also. Love it. Great call on the quilting pattern. ;^)

  12. This is a glorious quilt with the perfect panto. I love that saying as well. You guys do sound so very busy. But you always share beautiful quilts and quilting. Thank you!

  13. Lovely quilt, and as usual you finished it off so nicely!

  14. Hi Alycia, I agree - recovery should last as long as possible. When life is so busy, do what you can to slow it down or at least keep it reasonable (sure! lol) Take care. Love your quilt.

  15. Sometimes it's nice to have to stay home, it lets everyone recover a bit. Beautifuly QOV, the quilting really finishes it off beautifully. Happy stitching this week.


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