
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Wine Tasting

 When you are in Wine Country - you do have to do a little Wine tasting... so the next morning we headed out to see what we could find.

our First stop was Peachy Canyon Wines - it was 8 minutes from our house in Templeton, and it was considered Paso Robles... see! they are almost the same haha!

Check out these roses - they were the first thing I noticed - So pretty and so colorful.
Ta da!!

A chair Big enough for us all ( well minus the one that is still traveling to meet us)

We did a wine tasting here. The menu had 5 wines on it - all of them were grapes from this specific vineyard. I guess it is common to grow what you can and source grapes from other vineyard if you need them. But this year - this winery was able to grow all of its own. 

They brought in a Taco Truck  - you can see it behind me and K. We were quite happy about that - my kids have to eat a lot!! So it was great timing.

Plus - remember I told you our tasting was supposed to have only 5 wines? I figured that would equate to just about 1 glass of wine - over a few hours - it'd be great. Well!! Our taster guy - he was the best. When he found out we were from Colorado we all started talking mountains and trail running, and the triple bypass bike ride... and then the next thing we knew - he was adding wines to our tasting.... Oh boy..

We needed the tacos ;-)  and a long walk. ( PS - we did have a designated driver!)

I love how theses grapes are planted - and they use goats to do the weeding.
( I need a goat)

After that winery - we headed over to Barton Wineries. We just sat on the patio and I had a glass of wine while the guys all ate. It was just a fun place to be. There was a guy playing music, a light breeze - just a nice time!

We then headed back to get the third child of our crew... for the next adventure!


  1. The roses are beautiful. Looks like your having a ball and getting to spend time with family.

  2. What a fun trip! Looks like you guys are having a great time. I've been telling my husband for years that we need a goat. ;)

  3. Looks like a fabulous trip! Did you like any of the wines in particular?

  4. Looks like fun was had by all. Wine tasting is fun, but I'm such a light weight, one winery a day is my limit. Looking forward to seeing what your next adventure is.

  5. What fun! The deep red of the wine is so rich!!!!

  6. Such a fun outing and the roses were beautiful!

  7. Wine tasting is such fun. Wish we had some wineries closer to us.


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