
Friday, February 16, 2024

QOV All around is DONE!!! and! Finished ( or not) Friday

I do NOT know what to name this quilt ! Or what I have called it - but today!!

I am calling it DONE!!!

It started as the 20 stars for 20 years quilt from QOV - and then it morphed into this...

and now!!! it is Quilted, ready to be bound by some other wonderful person - and I am calling it DONE!!!

I did come to remember that adding little small borders give you a lot of room for error -and one of them might have had to come off and get reattached so it didn't wave at everyone driving by.... oops

And I quilted it pretty densely - so it there were any waves.... they have been stilled haha!!

QuiltyDog - She was trying to help me cut binding and I told her to stop touching my fabric... this is her look... as in "Who me?" wasn't me!!!!

It is now your turn to show off!! What have you been up to? Did you get anything farther ahead in its quilting life?

*Link up your direct post
*Have fun and visit 
* start working on your next finish!!!
*Spread the word


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****************The end******************

See you Soon!!!!


  1. A very fun finish. Yeah those wavy borders are never any fun and they are worse on medallion quilts. Congrats on the cool finish.

  2. That QOV is gorgeous and your adaptations look awesome.

    I guess we ALL love to touch fabric, even the Quiltydog.

  3. That is such a beautiful quilt! Your sweet puppy looks like quite the helper - lol!

  4. I love this quilt. Maybe cuz its only 3 colors or maybe cuz the colrs are so bold ... not sure but it is truly striking!

  5. Fabulous finish!

  6. Your quilt turned out magnificent! Love the quilting too.

  7. Well, if it was wavy, you have certainly done a beautiful job of getting it nice and flat. Lovely finish and hooray for passing it on to someone else to bind!

  8. awe, your snoopervisor is so cute! LeeAnna

  9. I like Done! It is very graphic but the quilting design makes it move beautifully. Great job! I too have a border that waves. I took it out this week and will reattach it this weekend. I make quilts, I said to it, not flags! Lol. Have a great weekend. ;^)

  10. Anonymous12:36 PM

    How about Stars of Valor or Stars for a Hero for a name. Betty D

  11. It's a beautiful finish, no matter what you call it.

  12. Nice job on the finishes~ Sweet dog pic!

  13. This is beautiful. Love it!

  14. I really like your 20 Stars... but I only see one star? It's great to make a pattern your own. And Quilty Dog might have a point. She was just trying to help. . .

  15. Your quilt is so lovely!

  16. I really like this QOV quilt. Your quilting is gorgeous!


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