
Monday, January 08, 2024

Spirals, Sloths and Stars

 I had a plethora of really fun quilts to quilt... and each quilter has some really fun ideas

This one was a spiral star, and she wanted spirals drawn without rulers... oh boy - I was a little worried about that one but it turned out pretty cool!!! Organic looking!

Another one was the CUTEST sloth Quilt, and!! she used Sloth fleece on the backside... so you just had to quilt Sloths into it!!!

This quilt reminded me of the Van Gogh Starry Night - so I had fun with swirly quilting.

I like the variety of quilts that people make- and its so fun to try to figure out how to quilt them, within the clients guidelines, use and of course... Budget ;-)

Happy Monday!!!


  1. Your custom quilting is pretty amazing. Love the spirals, and the sloths are so, so cute!

  2. You choose perfect quilting designs for those quilts. Good job!

  3. Those decisions drive me crazy now--I love how you embrace the challenge and get great results!

  4. Fabulous quilting - impressed especially with the sloth!

  5. Fun to see the different quilts and quilting motifs. I love those sloths!!

  6. What fun quilts. Thanks for sharing.

    San/ Gypsy Quilter Designs

  7. Looks like you've been having fun. Those sloths though!! Super cute.

  8. Kudos on the organic spirals - very cool. And I agree about the blue and yellow needing swirls!

  9. Wonderful quilting! Thanks for sharing all those ideas!

  10. Hi Alycia! Oh, the sloth design on the sloth fabric is just too darn cute. GREAT job on the freehand spiral, and the swirls are perfect for a stary night. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. All three of them are really fun. My favorite is the stars, the quilting is really fun on that one.

  12. I quilted a giant star block in the spiral and it turned out to be one of my favorites!


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