
Friday, December 01, 2023

Finished ( or not) Friday!!!!

 Today I am going to have to live Vicariously thru you all!! I did not get one of my own things finished  and!! I am totally okay with that!!

I have been quilting of lots of Client quilts- and I love it. Its so fun to see all the cool things that people make!!


A wonky Log cabin ^

Pearls and Swirls  

A starry windy Night....

and a crazy happy dog - who LOVES the snow!!! Shes nuts and its so funny!!

So fill me in!! 

What's up in your world? Whats finished ( or not)

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***the End... and Happy December!!! ********************


  1. Snow here too and freezing rain/snow forecast for today. I'm not as happy about the snow.
    I am crazy about your quilting, though.

  2. Love checking out the quilting designs you are putting on client quilts. Just think $ in the bank instead of finishing your own quilts, LOL.

  3. Oooh, lots of fun quilting. Hope you have a chance to work on some of your stuff soon. I guess with the holidays coming up there is a big rush on finishing off customer quilts.

  4. Looks like you have been having great fun with client quilts. I am close to a finish but don't have on to share yet, either!

  5. Awesome quilting designs! I'm always quite amazed how quilting can transform an average quilt into a spectacular quilt.

  6. Such lovely quilting on your clients quilts. You are staying busy. Brrr it looks cold out there. Stay warm and cozy and quilt on.

  7. Our older do loved the snow! He would lead us down the hill on leash pulling our sleds. We even made a front page color photo of our local newspaper from one of our sledding episodes.

  8. You do an amazing job on the quilting!!!! Pup is so sweet!

  9. Pretty quilts, and such a cute and happy pup!

  10. Keep on quilting, Alycia! Eventually, you will get back around to finishing some of your own projects.

  11. Oh my gosh, that snow is beautiful!

    You are so industrious with your quilting, very inspiring.

    I got all the Christmas trees up yesterday, today I should do clean-up.

  12. Nice to see dogs play in snow!


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