
Monday, November 06, 2023

Thankful November

 Every Year in November I love looking for the Gratitude Photo Projects - they give you a prompt and you got take a photo of that thing.

This year I decided to do my own - What I am thankful for each day. I am posting them on IG (well most of them) Daily - and thought I would do them here to - but maybe once a week so I don't annoy myself haha!

So far:

I’m thankful that I got to go hang out with this amazing 99yo WWII Veteran and his friends!!

He was 18 when he entered the Army and was a Medic.
The stories he shared were amazing!! He and 5 of his 6 brothers were in the military during WWII ( the youngest brother wasn’t old enough and served later )

To say that he was amazing is an understatement- but I sure appreciate the time I got to spend with him !

Not a bad view for the morning. Since it’s the month to be Thankful…   

I will be thankful for the view today 🏔️

Intentional gratefulness is the greatest cure for discouragement. It beats out the blues. It drowns out the voice of self-pity, and it can be a tool to overcome depression and anxiety.

Today my thanks is for the glorious sunrises ,

Wide open spaces …. Room to run and room to grow …

The gorgeous landscape that makes up the great country of ours is what I’m thankful for today. And the ability to see it ❤️

While I know not everyone appreciates the time change - Today I do - I got out to ride and didn't have to saddle in the dark....

And look - My buddy even gets love from his riding partner ❤💙❤

That is my week of Gratefulness so far!!!

Find me at all these places:


  1. Su Edberg9:57 AM

    Thank you for all you do. I am really enjoying seeing your "Gratefulness" pictures. We really do have a lot to be grateful for.

  2. The photos are just breathtaking. Oh, my. They inspire me. You live in a gorgeous place. Thanks for sharing the photos today.

  3. isn't that something 5 out of 6 brothers serving at the same time - what a worry that must have been for their family
    beautiful scenery - that must be nice riding horses out there looking at all of that

  4. I love seeing what everyone is thankful for regardless of the time of year! :)

  5. A grateful post is just what I needed. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for sharing the great photos and thoughts.

  7. I am thankful for the amazing photographs you share of those wide open spaces, sunrises, sunsets, horses, mountains, and SO much more!

  8. ...WWII Vets are a dying breed! Our grandson is an Army combat medic. Thanks for sharing your wonderful views.

  9. We R thankful for you! and your pictures!

  10. Beautiful captures.

  11. Very beautiful sunrise. Great day ahead.

  12. What beautiful photos! They are awesome. I miss "my mountains". We lived in HIghlands Ranch and I had a great view of the front range from my living room. Thanks for sharing.
    Cheers to your veteran.

  13. Wonderful photos, lots to be thankful for.

  14. Beautiful views indeed. What a wonderful gifting to the 99yo Vet!


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