
Sunday, October 15, 2023

RSC Neutrals

 When I read that the colors for October were light Neutrals I thought I would probably sit it out, but then I was playing in my fabrics ( again) and I found some cool colors, and I thought  hmmmmm

I wonder....

Would these be considered Light neutrals? and then I thought - the Quilt Police don't live here - so Go with it.... and I did and now I have a new Top!!!

And the picture is at night, in the low light, and the rain outside was happening!!!
My husband was at a sales conference, and I don't sleep well when he is not there - so!!! I used the time to my benefit and ta da!!!

Another Buffalo Plaid!!! ( Pattern by Quilters Candy, but quickly becoming at one with my brain)

I think I like it!!!!  and now... it needs to be Quilted!! 

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  1. yes no quilt police please - all of your neutrals look great!

  2. It’s lovely! Good use of those fabrics! I’ve made several baby quilts using that pattern. Love it!

  3. I love your version of buffalo plaid, very calming. I don't sleep well either when the hubbs isn't next to me.

  4. This quilt top looks really good! I like the neutrals and it will coordinate with any color! Happy quilting!

  5. Love your buffalo plaid quilt! I have this pattern, just need to make one!

  6. Your Buffalo plaid is so pretty! The Quilt Police make appearances in my head mostly - lol!

  7. Those are definitely neutrals and they made a really fun Buffalo Plaid quilt. Hopefully your guy is back home so you can sleep. I don't sleep well either when My Guy is traveling, it's worse now that Grad Girl is gone. It's a big house for one person.

  8. I LOVE IT!!! Gotta go get that pattern . . .

  9. p.s. Too funny - I already downloaded the pattern! Now I just need to pick out three fabrics and get busy.

  10. You did a great job on your newest Buffalo Plaid. And, yep it looks like a plaid to me. Hope you can get it quilted and finished soon.

  11. You totally nailed this one!

  12. This buffalo plaid version is really lovely; great fabric choices!

  13. I like your neutral quilt! I used white as my neutral...shhh. Please don't tell the quilting police. LOL

  14. Wonderful neutral plaid top. Glad you don't worry about quilt police.

  15. I LOVE IT!!! I love plaid. So glad you didn't sit it out.

  16. that is a great use of colors you didn't think were good for this month! lol
    The buffalo plaid top is spot on!

  17. It is such a simple, yet elegant look. I love it! Thanks for sharing in Sew & Tell.

    BTW, the quilt police don't live here either ;)

  18. Your choice of neutral fabrics created a soothing quilt. Another nice quilt that will be enjoyed.

  19. another nice one!

  20. Beautiful fabric selection, and the quilt top is fabulous! Great use of time indeed ;)
    Thank you for sharing your pretty quilt and the link to the pattern, and linking up!

  21. What a beautiful neutral quilt! That is such a fun pattern.

  22. Wonderful! That pattern is on my list to do, one day.....

  23. Another great quilt, Alycia! Also, a great use of your time while hubby was away. I remember those days. I'm so glad he works from home now instead of all over the world! LOL Thanks for sharing with Monday Musings.

  24. A Buffalo plaid quilt is still on my to-do list! This one is really very pretty! Who wouldn’t love those soft sagey greens!

  25. Nicely done! I really like the diamond print.


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