
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Operation Christmas Child Hats

 Oh my heavens!!!

Operation Christmas Child Hats are starting to roll in!!!!

I am so excited - the goal for this year was 700 Hats and so many of you decided to help my friend M out - and YAY me - I am the go between and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!

Sue in Az asked if she could help out this year - and of course I said yes!!!

Look what she mailed out!!

So!!1 Gloria... she sent me THREE boxes of hats... but funny of all funnies - Box 2 and 3 arrived.... and we wondered where box #1 went.... it apparently went on a detour - but I just picked it up - so here are the contents of box 2 and 3

THAT IS EIGHTY SIX hats!!! Oh my!!! ( and I still have box #1 to spread out!!!)

Then!!! I had a garage sale at my dads this summer and took my looming with me... my friend Clare was sitting there with me and she asked what I was up to so I told her... 

and look what she just brought me!!

Ah!! Mazing!!! Go Clare!!!

This is the Loom we use...

Loom for Hats and more

and this is the tutorial I used

you tube knit hat  but then you start searching around and there are a lot of kinds of hats you can make...

Now I need to go see what is in my hat box too... I have a feeling I did not keep up with these awesome Knitters

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  1. Oh my! You have some generous friends! What beautiful hats. It makes me want to get that loom and learn to make them myself. LOL

  2. Oh, that's amazing and I hope your friend M meets or exceeds her goal of 700 hats!

  3. OH wow! That is a ton of hats and will help so many folks. Great job!

  4. I have 5 more hats that I just finished. They will be on their way to you in the next day or two!

  5. What a great idea. That's awesome you've had some help. I've never heard of the Loom for Hats.

  6. Awesome! Thanks to all your friends. Many hands make light work.

  7. Wow! Every color of the rainbow and then some. Looks like you might just make your goal.

  8. Those for showing all those amazing hats. I'd be very tempted to buy one of those looms if I hadn't already given away my yarn a few years ago. LOL


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