
Monday, September 11, 2023

Aqua Spinning Goose for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge

 Did you know that Aqua is not really a color I have much of in my stash?   I think because I buy it and use it right away - its one of my favorite colors....

But I had fun looking thru some fabrics that I thought could work!!

Here is what I came up with 

(and  YES!! I did get Septembers done before the end of the month - go me!!)

Ta da!!!

Look Close - there are Parrots on that big star... Parrots!! I LOVE it!!!! okay - it really made me laugh - I was in a margarita mood.....

And now here are all of them on the wall so far!!! I have been playing around with ideas as to how to set them, we will have to see what colors come next - and If I want more blocks...

Life is getting back to normal-ish now!! I have still been quilting for Clients 🤠!!!!!, other things have slowed down ( no more house cleaning haha)... but now that my parents house is on the market and the BIG part of sorting is done ( oh yes!! I still have more but its in the barn!!) I feel like my routines are taking shape again.

For those of you who have still be allowing me to quilt for you - Thank you for continuing to do so - it has helped me keep my sanity... and now that I am getting back to normal - I feel like I can take on my normal load of Quilts!! so!! I am ready if you have quilts that need All Over Designs - Hit me Up!!


  1. Great blocks. If you want a larger quilt, set them on point. I bet that would be great, too.

  2. Those blocks really play well together! I'm so glad that your routines are beginning to get back to normal. That was a HUGE task!

  3. I've admired this block all along and with each new color it's more exciting!

  4. Your blocks look wonderful together, and I'm so glad that life is starting to get back to normal for you. Hurray!

  5. I love the newest addition to your blocks--very sweet!!

  6. I always love your plaids. They make the most homestyle looking blocks.

  7. Hi Alycia! I don't know if I have aqua in my stash because I lump aqua and teal together. I agree that is a color that should be used often and your spinning flying geese is a fab example. All of your RSC blocks look pretty together. Just one more month to go, right? I just LOVE that block on the bottom right. I'm sorry life has been giving you so many stresses right now, but I know it's comforting to be returning to your normal routine. Ugg. I know how much work is involved in emptying a house that was lived in for 50+ years. {{Hugs}} a bunch!! ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. I love the block. Did you design it?

  9. Such fun blocks! Looking forward to seeing how you decide to set them. So glad to hear that your schedule is getting back to normal. Have a productive week.

  10. Loving this RSC project! That always a tough one: how to set a rainbow palette quilt. I so need to get back on the RSC wagon but I doubt that will happen before 2024.

  11. still a favorite block for rsc

  12. Yes, those parrots are well camouflaged. If you hadn't pointed them out, I would have missed them. Isn't it surprising chat colors we have in abundance amongst the scraps vs those that are nearly non existent?

  13. The Spinning Goose blocks have been so much fun to watch accumulate. I will be watching to see how these end up in a quilt. Beautiful! Glad to hear your life is getting back to a semblance of "normal". Have a great weekend!

  14. I love teal and aqua both and use them every chance I can! This block looks fantastic with the others! Thanks for sharing on Monday Musings!


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