
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A book!!! I read a book!

 It is called *Don't forget to write*  and I am pretty sure that I got it for free on my Kindle/Prime reading thingy ( technical terms are eluding me right now)

But!! I liked it!!

it is set in 1960 - and the main character is a little bit of a trouble maker - but! her mischief is because she is boy crazy and does not like to be told what to do... now you know why I liked it... the not being told what to do part!!!

Marilyn Gets sent to her Great aunts - who is a Matchmaker... and it is quite charming.

The Great Aunt in this novel reminds me of my Grandfathers sister... she was a Character!!

When I was 18 I drove a different Great Aunt (J) across the country ( California to Michigan) so she could hang out with her family... of course  Great Aunt A was there... My Grandfathers Sister.

Great Aunt A decided that she should take me into town to get ice cream, and so we did!! And we passed a construction crew - where she immediately wolf whistled at the crew... I am pretty sure that my face has not seen such a shade of red as it did that day.... 

She was Hilarious, nothing fazed her, she was stubborn, and bossy, and did everything her way!!

And Marilyns Great Aunt in the novel - very much reminded me of her...

its a fun read.....


  1. I loved that book. Just finished it recently. I recommend it too.

  2. It's fun to remember the character's in our family. Glad you finally had time to take a breather and read something. Your year has been really full to date.

  3. I'm always open to a good book recommendation. Sound interesting. I'm a voracious reader and average a book a week. Especially in the past couple of years when I'm not working full time anymore.

  4. I need to see if I can download that onto my Kindle - thanks for the hilarious post/recommendation.

  5. Sounds like a fun read! Thanks for the book report!

  6. I enjoyed the read as well! Thanks for the book report.

  7. That was a good book.

  8. I'm going to add this to my list....might be a fun airport read! I used to be a great reader, but now spend more time quilting. I do like reading on my kindle so I am going looking for this!

  9. I read that one too. I enjoyed it.


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