
Monday, August 14, 2023

30's Rainbow scrap blocks

Me : " I don't have UFO's"

Quilt Room : " Hold my thread"

Because of course!!! I found some Blocks I had completely forgotten about....

I have ( of course) finished quite a few quilts with these blocks... but who knew I had even more in hiding!!!

The are from the 2015 RSC - and I found the pattern at Sew Me Blog - Be Blessed

I saw the blocks and said to *Me* Me!!! DO NOT PUT THOSE AWAY

ta da!!

The Pinks are now a top - Approx 48 x 48

I was thinking I could hang all three of them up together - but the wind was not cooperating... 

Pink along with Yellow - Approx 36 x 48

And Red ( ish)   Approx 36 x 48

If I plan it right - I think I can make one back for all three quilts and quilt them together... I hope!!

I had a thought - but quickly dismissed it - but I still like the photo - I thought about combining Yellow and Red together.... but!! I didn't like it as much as I thought I would - so I am keeping them as two different tops - and then I will have THREE quilts!!

Go me

Take That Quilt Room.....  ( please don't hurt me 😍😏  )


  1. They certainly are lovely blocks. I like the colors separate like you have them.

  2. Oh, master the possibilities!!!! One of the most rewarding part of quilting is the just the design choices!

  3. Well, you've got yellow, red and pink, how about making one more in another color and then putting them all together in one big quilt? It looks like a great pattern for stash busting.

  4. Three separate quilts it is and they are so pretty. Thanks for the link to the pattern.

  5. LOL! I know what you mean -- you think you have cleared out all of whatever and then that box comes to light. Well, your blocks are great and you got three quilts out of them. Hooray!

  6. I hope your idea to make one large quilt backing works well. Have fun quilting these when the time is right!

  7. This block makes great quilts! Looking forward to 'see' your quilting!

  8. These will make some wonderful baby quilts or lap quilts.

  9. That was a fabulous find of blocks for all those small quilt tops.

  10. It's always fun to come back to a project that you had forgotten about. All three quilts are really cute.

  11. Very fun and colorful quilt tops! Yeah for getting them out of storage.

  12. gosh those are really really pretty for having been stored away...kudos on the finishes!

  13. I have a big crush on these warm colors and the scrappy yumminess. However they come together they will be singing in perfect harmony.

  14. What a fun pattern! Love those blocks, Alycia! I'm glad your sewing room checked you there!! LOL Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!


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