
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

100 Year Birthday celebration for our WWII Veteran

I was invited to a WWII Veterans 100th birthday celebration - and lawsy mercy was I impressed!!
Roger joined the Army Air Corps in July of 1942 and he became a glider pilot. On August 15, 1944 he piloted his glider during the Invasion of Southern France behind enemy lines.
He received a medal for his efforts - in a mission that they were told only had a 50% success and survival rate.
He then flew C45's carrying equipment and wounded soldiers. he returned home in 1945, only to reenlist in the Air Force and serve until 1970.
He had a book in his house ( shown) and told me he was interviewed for it - so you know I ordered it and its on its way.
My part in the Celebration? I got to award Roger a Quilt of Valor for his service in front of his many neighbors, children, grandchildren and great children.
What an honor for me to meet this amazing Veteran - and what an honor to hear his stories!!
( PS - I want to be like Roger when I am 100!!!)



  1. Sounds like a good book and a great person to have met.

  2. What a hero! Thank you for sharing his story!

  3. An amazing generation of heroes! Congratulations, Roger

  4. So impressed - he looks so happy! So many years of service ….

  5. I learn something new every day. I never knew there were gliders used in WWII. Sounds like a dangerous mission.

  6. Oh wow, what an awesome celebration to get to be a part of. I want a detailed book review when you've had a chance. I think I might need to order the book, too. And I think we should all strive to be like Roger at 100; wow!!

  7. Wonderful treat to be invited and to meet him. I will have to look for the book.

  8. What a wonderful celebration and how special to be a part of it! There are few of those brave men and women left, it is special to meet them and honor them for their service.

  9. What an honor to not only be at his celebration, but to be present him a quilt of valor!!! May need to order the book for hubby, he loves this kind of history stuff.

  10. How fun! Roger looks like a fun character to hang out with. You'd have to have a sense of humor to survive those missions!


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